Plan B

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"What are we going to do?" Blair asked as she hid behind Alissa. "They just...oh my god."

Alissa didn't know what to say, but she knew they couldn't stay there. "Safe to say we don't have many options. We can go back, but who knows if that's any safer." Alissa watched the two admin just stand there waiting for them. "Why haven't they tried to get us? What are they waiting for?"

"Maybe they can't stop us unless we enter?" Rose asked. "This doesn't make any sense. No one said we could die."

Sydney laughed. "You guys are overreacting. This is just part of the test. They want to freak us out. Weed out the weak. For all we know, that kid was a plant. Or some kind of actor. The =longer we stay here, the weaker we look to the admin. Danny, you said it yourself. You said you'd do anything to pass. Standing here isn't what I had in mind, and I know it's not what you had in mind either. Same as you, Blair."

Danny and Blair looked at each other and nodded. "She's right. We need to leave. We've wasted too much time out here anyway. That spear was just for show, right? They made it look real for the people watching. No way they'd actually hurt us. Move." He pushed past Alissa and walked inside with Blair and Sydney. 

"What do we do?" Rose asked. "Should we follow?"

"Absolutely not. I'm not risking it, and I don't think you should either. The door to the other side could be locked for all we know. There has to be another way." Alissa looked around and noticed a stairwell next to the gym. "What about in there?"

"You want to go up?" Rose asked.

"I know it sounds crazy but think about it. They expect us to find an exit on the ground level. No one would think to go higher in the building. We should be safe there. We can get a good vantage point and see what's waiting outside."

Rose thought for a second and nodded in agreement. "Alright, lead the way."

The two of them walked up the stairs as quietly as possible. Just in case something was waiting for them. Reaching the second floor, Alissa peaked out the door. Once she was sure no one was around, she motioned for Rose to follow her into one of the empty conference rooms. Inside was a long wooden table with chairs around it, some office cabinets, a whiteboard, and some supplies in bins. Alissa moved to the window and peaked outside. She immediately spotted three admins waiting at the front of the building. It was too dark to see if they had weapons or not. She looked across the field where the safety of the hotel taunted her. Her eyes landed on a few participants standing on the hotel's steps. Obviously glad they made it in one peace. Alissa kept looking around until she noticed some familiar faces. "It's them!"

Rose stood, ducked beside Alissa, and looked out the window. "Who?" She followed Alissa's eyes and gasped. "Izzy! What's he doing?" They watched Isiah, Hunter, and Zach move behind the activity center.

"They don't look too good," Alissa said, trying to hide the worry in her voice. She nearly screamed as Isiah's head flicked up towards them. "Of course, he would know if someone was watching him," Alissa thought. She knew it was risky, but she had to do something dangerous. "When I say go, cut the lights on."

"Then the admin will know where we are," Rose said.

"So will the guys. Isiah looked right at me. We need to get to them if we want to make it out. Trust me, Rose."

Rose shook her hand and laughed. "You are a smart one. I can see why Hunter likes you."

Alissa tried to hide her blushing. "Yeah, thank you."

Rose made her way to the light switch and waited for Alissa's signal. "Now!" Rose flipped the switch, and the room lit up like a Christmas tree. Alissa opened the blinds and waved at them. She was relieved when she saw Isiah nod at her. Then she noticed they weren't the only people interested in their position. "Rose, we got to move."

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