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Hunter didn't know when he fell asleep, but it was morning when he opened his eyes. He groaned as he looked at the clock. "How's it already eleven?" Hunter thought as he headed to the bathroom. The rest of the house was silent. That wasn't surprising to him. Everyone was up late. Passing the living room, Hunter noticed Alissa watching TV.

"Morning," Hunter said, walking over to her. It wasn't until he got closer that he noticed the TV was just static. "What? Did Shaun forget to pay the cable?" He laughed. Alissa didn't say anything.

"Oh, come on, that was funny. Alissa? Are you okay?" Hunter asked, putting his hand on her shoulder. As soon as he did, she fell to the floor. A pool of blood appearing out from under her. Hunter screamed and ran to her. "ALISSA! HEY! WHAT HAPPENED?" Hunter shook her, but it was too late.

"Hunt, what did you do?" Zach said from the kitchen. "How could you kill her? She just wanted to help you."

"I-I didn't do this. I just woke up, and then this...Go get Shaun! We might be able to save her." Hunter looked at Alissa. "Don't worry, hang in there."

"No, Hunt. This is your fault. This is all your fault. How many people have to die before you get it? You're a plague. Everyone you come across is at risk of dying early. I'm not going to let you hurt anyone else." Zach says, grabbing a knife. 

Hunter backed away from Alissa. "What the...Z, hold on! What are you doing?!"

"Stopping another Xavier. I won't let you hurt my sister, or Maggie, or even Shaun," Zach said, rushing Hunter with the knife. Hunter dodged it, but Zach turned around too fast. Slicing at Hunter's face. Instinctively, Hunter grabbed the blade with his hands. His blood coating the entire knife. "Zach, please, stop!" Hunter begged.

"I bet she begged you to stop. Poor girl. I'm doing this world a favor." Zach kneed Hunter in the stomach. Hunter fell to the floor, clenching his torso. Zach was on top of Hunter in seconds. Holding the knife above Hunter's throat. "Die, you sick bastard."

Hunter closed his eyes and accepted it. He waited for the knife to cut into his skin, but it didn't happen. When he opened his eyes, Zach, Shaun, Alissa, Maggie, and Zoey stood in his room looking at him. Hunter looked at Alissa and sighed. "I was dreaming. Thank Lucian."

"More like having a nightmare. Dude, you were screaming your head off," Zach said. Hunter noticed they all looked considered.

"How long has this been going on?" Shaun asked, clearly still tired.

"Since last year. Every night, some horrible shit happens, and then I wake up screaming. I don't want to talk about it." Hunter had to look at something else. His eyes wanted to go back to looking at Alissa. Like he wanted to make sure she was still okay. "I'm alright. Sorry for scaring you guys."

"Clearly, you're not, eejit. Talking about it might help. Don't forget you have an...okay support network. We're all fecked up in some way. I talk to Zoey about it all the time. She talks to Zachary, and he talks to Maggie, who talks to Alissa. Adding one more person to the chain won't break it. Everyone downstairs, I had Joey make us breakfast." Shaun said, walking out. Zoey followed behind him.

"I'll meet you downstairs, Hunt," Zach said, walking out next. "Come on, Magnolia." Maggie left too. Leaving Hunter alone with Alissa.

"I'm going to guess that whatever happened in your nightmare had something to do with me. I noticed you not wanting to look at me. I'm not going to pry, but I'm fine. See? I'm okay." Alissa moved closer to him. "You're going to be okay. I want to believe we can get past this. It's not going to be easy, but we will. We have to. " Alissa waited for his response. When he didn't say anything, she continued. "I'll see you downstairs." Alissa turned to leave, but Hunter grabbed her hand gently.

"I needed to make sure you were real. Sorry." Huter let her go. "I'll be down in a sec." He smiled.

Alissa knew he was forcing it but smiled back as she left. He waited till she was walking down the stairs to move.

"I know you want to say something," Hunter asked.

Xavier appears in the corner. "I don't know what you mean. You came up with that little scene all on your own. Why Alissa? I would've picked Shaun. Is it because you couldn't handle killing Zachary or Zoey? It could've been Magnolia. You barely know her."

"I'm not having this conversation. It was just a nightmare. That's it. Nothing else." Hunter grabbed his shirt and got dressed.

"Admit it; you want to kill her. You didn't even cry as she died. You acted sad, sure but not devastated. You're a murderer, Hunter. Not surprising you want more. Come to terms with that, and you'll feel better," Xavier smiled.

Hunter grabbed his phone and threw it at Xavier. Shattering the mirror, Xavier was standing in front of. "Fuck off!"

Zach opened the door and saw Hunter screaming at nothing. "Hunter?"

"Zach, I-I have something to tell you," Hunter says, tears running down his face.

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