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As soon as Hunter cut the girl's restraints, her eyes flickered open, and she gasped.

"Easy, I'm not going to hurt you! I'm Hunter. What's your name?"

The girl looked at him like he was an alien. She hurried to the back of the bed and brought her knees to her chest, and buried her head in her arms.

"Good going, Hunter. You scared the poor thing," David said from the doorway. 

"I didn't do anything!" Hunter turned to the girl. "At least you're okay. If you want to talk, we'll be outside." Hunter turned to leave when he felt her grab his hand. 

"I think she wants you to stay," David said. "I got to talk to Isiah anyway. You two have fun." He walked out of the room and closed the door. Hunter sat on the edge of the bed. "Have you been in here the whole time?"

The girl nodded. 

"Don't talk much, do you? That's okay. Are you hungry? I could get you something."

The girl shook her head.

"I would be." Hunter turned to her as she scooted towards him and grabbed his hand. Opening his palm, Hunter watched as she wrote "14" with her finger. "You're 14? I guess that makes me an old man. I'm 26, but my friends say I'm a 40-year-old at heart."

The girl cracked a smile.

"Ah, you smiled. That means you're cool with me. I didn't make the rule. My friend did. Blame him," Huner laughed.

The girl signed, "Naomi."

Hunter sighed back, "You can't speak, can you?"

Naomi shook her head and pointed to her throat. "I didn't think you knew how to sign," Naomi signed.

"I do. We had to learn in the guard. Just in case. What rank are you?"

"Silver," She sighed.

"I'm a Platinum. Mind if I ask who brought you here and how you got tied up?"

Naomi started panicking and shaking her head. 

"Okay, you don't have to. Do you want to meet the others?"

Naomi shrugged and tried to stand, but her legs gave way. Hunter caught her before she fell. "Whoa, you alright?" She nodded as he helped her back to the bed. "You might want to take it slow." He stood in front of her and held out his hand. "I'll help you."

Namoi hesitated before taking his hand and slowly standing up. She came up to his waist. Hunter didn't notice how long her black hair was until she turned around. It was almost to her lower back. "You're making me jealous. I wish my hair could be that long."

She smiled, and they made their way into the living room. To their surprise, Isiah and David were gone. Hunter helped her to the couch and sat her down. "Where did they go?" She sighed.

"No, clue. Let me go find you some food. I know you have to be hungry," Hunter said, heading to the door. He passed when he saw her trying to stand. 

"Don't go!" She frantically sighed. "It might come back!"

Hunter sat on the couch and asked, "Who?"

Naomi hesitated before signing, "The monster."

The Legacies (Sequal to The Unrated)Where stories live. Discover now