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The next few hours went by in a flash. For a few moments, Hunter thought this was a dream. It was too peaceful. It's what he wanted for the past year. So, why can't he enjoy it?

"Hunt! Why are you not partying? Have a drink!" Zach shouted in Hunter's face. The alcohol was all over his breath.

"Someone has to drive back. Besides, I have work tomorrow, and you have to inspect your restaurant building. You really should be sober for that." Hunter tries to take Zach's drink, but Zach pulls his arm back. 

"Get your own," Zach slurs as he chugs the beer. "Ha! I won!" He says as he falls onto the couch.

"You sure do, buddy," Hunter says, patting him on the back.

"I love you, man," Zach slurs.

"Uh-huh," Hunter says, trying not to laugh.

"Say it back!" Zach says with his head on the couch cushion. It comes out muffled.

"Sorry you have to babysit him, Hunter," Zoey says, leaning over the couch. She looks down at Zach. "Never could handle alcohol well. Could you?" Zoey laughed as she put her plate on Zach's back.

"I'm not a table," Zach slurs.

"My house, my rules. You're a table, and tables don't drink. I'm cutting you off, brother."

"Shaun! More! She cut me off!" Zach yelled.

"Her house, her rules. Sorry, mate. I know better than to make her mad." Shaun says from the kitchen.

"Traitor! Mags, my love! Can you help a guy out?" Zach asked.

Maggie was sleeping in the corner. Alissa puts a blanket over her. "Sorry, she's not helping this time," Alissa said. She sits on the opposite couch.

"You're not drinking either?" Hunter askes.

"Nah, never was a big drinker. We need to keep an eye on these two. I've meant to ask you. How's life in The Platinum Guard?" Alissa asks.

"It's not that bad. I get to punch bad people without getting yelled at. Small victories. Nothing really happens. Most of the time, we sit around or spar with each other. The training has been intense, though. I can't tell you how many times I've collapsed on our couch after a long day." Hunter flexed his arm. "Can't argue with the results?"

They all burst out into laughter.

"Looks like we all have been working out more. That's it; we all should become models." Zoey laughs.

"I think I'd rather eat my own foot," Hunter says.

"Why? You're handsome. Don't you think, Alissa?" Zoey laughs. It took Hunter a moment to see she was slightly drunk.

Alissa's face turns red.

"Zoey! You're just as bad as Zach. You're cut off too." Hunter reaches for her drink. 

"Don't even try it, Carter!" She says, finishing the drink. "Unlike Zachary, I can hold my drinks. I'm fineee."

"Alright, huh? Let's sit you down, now." Shaun takes Zoey's hand and sits her down on the couch next to Zach.

"Look at them. Tragic. Well, at least your ride back will be smooth. You guys can stay here if you want. It's a long drive."

Hunter was taken aback. "Shaun, are you okay? You almost sound like you care about us."

"Feck off. I don't want to hear about you sad sacks getting into trouble." Shaun said. He walks over to the TV and turns it on.

"Shaun! Turn it down!" Zoey moaned.

"Yeah, turn it down!" Zach said.

"It's not even turned on all the way yet." Shaun shakes his head and turns the volume up.

Both Zach and Zoey start to moan louder in frustration.

"My bad," Shayn laughs. He turns the volume back down. "Holy shite!" Shaun says, moving out of the way so the others can see.

"Shaun? What's up?" Alissa asks, walking over to the TV.

Hunter joins them. "What the hell?"

The TV displayed a picture of the Rating Games logo on the screen along with an overly excited newscaster.

"In case you missed it, earlier this morning, President Young made a huge announcement." The newscaster said as a video played. President Young's face appeared.

"Starting this year, all previous participants will be required to participate in The Rating Games in order to keep their current status." President Young said. Then the screen went black. Hunter had turned off the TV and walked out of the house.

Shaun hurried after him. "And where do you think you're going?" He says, grabbing Hunter's arm.

Hunter turned around. His face was vacant. "I knew something like this would happen. It can't be easy, could it? I just wanted one night. One damn night of not worrying about something. Now, this? I'm going to throw myself off a cliff." Hunter tried to pull his arm free, but Shaun's grip tightened.

"No, you're fecking not. That's what that bastard wants. He wants to get rid of The Unrated. You doing that does the job for him. Don't be stupid."

"You. Weren't. There. People died. A lot of people died. I have the luxury of remembering all of that. For Lucian's sake, I almost died. Not to sound like a narcissist, but this feels like it's directed at me. Xavier couldn't do it, and now he wants to try. What did I ever do to President Young? Don't tell me it's because I was Unrated?" Hunter could feel his breathing increasing.

"Hey, you need to calm down. I know I wasn't there, and I'm sorry you had to go through that. Xavier had direct access to the entire game. Everyone else could only see select things. We saw all of it. We saw some poor lad get vaporized. We saw the pits of dead participants. We saw everything. I'm not saying that it was the same as being there, but we know. I'll be the first to admit this seems shady as feck. It's most likely a trap."

"You're not making me feel better," Hunter said.

"Good. I'm glad you feel like this. Last time, you didn't know what you were going into. This time's different. This time we have some idea of what we're getting into." Shaun let Hunter go. "We'll figure it out."

Hunter looked down at the floor. The room felt like it was spinning. "It's happening again." Hunter thought. "Why is this happening again?"

"Let's go, mate. We need to think about this. Also, call out sick tomorrow." Shaun paused. "Better make it the rest of the week."

The Legacies (Sequal to The Unrated)Where stories live. Discover now