Goodbye For Now

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Isiah left for his assignment. Leaving the group sitting in silence. 

"Was that a smart move? He knows about us now. He knows where Alissa is. What if we have Obsidian Guards breaking down Shawn's front door in an hour? I'm just saying," Maggie said.

"We couldn't keep him here. That's kidnapping. Trust me, I would've loved to keep punching him, but now that I think about it, it may be good that he's on our side. I knew Young was insane, but this is crazy. We need to split up for now. If he comes back with The Guard, we're screwed." Hunter said, pacing the room.

"Who's fault is that? You brought him here. What about Zoey and me?" Shaun asked.

"Go to a hotel. I thought he would be a good person to have. He knew about a lot of stuff that we didn't know. I know it wasn't a good idea now that I think about it." Hunter said.

"We could go to that new hotel in town. I wanted to check it out anyway. We can stay for a couple of days," Zoey said.

Shaun scowled at Hunter. "Fine. I'll make the reservation. You're paying for it."

"That's fair," Hunter said, rubbing the back of his head. "Alissa, where are you guys going?"

"Back to Maggie's apartment. I need to start packing for The Games. Now that my father moved them up. Don't you have that previous participant dinner coming up soon? I think they're calling it The Legacy Dinner." 

Hunter looked at his phone and saw he had a new message from The Rating Board. "They said I need to go get my participant kit today. Z, we can go get it on the way home."

"Cool, I need to go get mine too. Oh yeah, I got in too. Found out last night. I figured it wasn't a good time to bring it up," Zach said. "We can meet up closer to the time of The Games."

"Sounds good. I could use a vacation. Isn't that right, Shaun?" Zoey asked, kissing him.

"I guess it won't be that bad. I got a room. Let's go pack," Shaun said, going upstairs. Zoey followed him.

The rest of the group went back to their rooms to get their things. Once everyone got their belongings, they regrouped on the lawn.

"I guess this is goodbye for now." Hunter smiled at Alissa.

"It's only for a week. We'll see each other before we board. Don't worry," Alissa said, hugging him. "Please be safe."

Hunter hugged her back. "Y-Yeah, of course. You too." Releasing her, Hunter walked over to Shaun and Zoey. "Sorry again about this."

"Hey, I get a free vacation at a nice hotel. I'm not complaining. As long as I have my phone, I can still do work," Zoey said, hugging him. "Don't do anything stupid. I'll find out."

"Sure, Zoey," Hunter laughed. "Shaun, see you around."

"As much as I hate you right now. Be careful, alright. You're still my patient. I'm contractually obligated to care about your health," Shaun held out his hand. "Promise me I won't find you with another bullet in your chest next time I see you."

"No promises," Hunter said, shaking Shaun's hand.

Zoey punched him on the arm. "Ow! I was joking!" Hunter said, rubbing his arm. "You don't have to worry about The Guard. You got an army as a fiancée, Shaun."

"I know, and I love her. Hit him again, love." Shaun smiled.

"Nah, he's learned his lesson. I'll just call Nat and give her your address." Zoe laughed, getting in Shaun's car.

"I'm sorry! No need to do that!" Hunter said. "I'll be good. Take care, guys." Hunter moved back as Shaun drove off.

Hunter turned around and saw Maggie and Zach hugging each other. He was happy for Zach. They were good for each other.  When they first started going out, Zach was a mess. He was so nervous, which was out of the ordinary for him. The confident Zach reduced to an unsure mess was a sight. When Zach said his goodbyes, he waved Hunter over.

"Ready?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah, ready," Zach said, watching Maggie getting into the Skycar. "Wish we could've given them a ride."

"It's better this way. You'll see her soon. Come on, man. We got a few stops to make." Hunter gets into the driver's seat and starts the car. Giving Maggie one last wave, Zach gets into the car, and they drive off to The Rating Center.

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