A Sweet Time In Cumberland

Start from the beginning

"Go on, lecture me." Jesse said, while taking a breath, crouched down in case he needed to release more.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? The way I see it, both of ya'll's problem is this Dupont feller." Arthur did start to lecture him.

"I never said he wasn't!" Jesse snapped back.

"But you were just blaming the only two people who can actually help you in this situation!"

"THEY SAID THEY'D PROTECT HER WHILE I'M GONE!" Jesse shouted, getting the attention of the other people in camp.

"AND YOU THINK EVERYTHING'LL GO PERFECTLY JUST BECAUSE THEY HAD PROTECTION? We have guards in this camp, and yet we managed to get Kieran killed, we managed to lose Jack! But guess what, we got him back, didn't we? Same in this situation." Arthur then grabbed Jesse by both shoulders, "You need these two to form a plan, where to start, what to start or what to do. And you know that you're one of the best men to do all that."

Jesse looked at him then at his feet. He sighed and nodded. Arthur ruffled his hair and led him back inside the house. Abraham and Miriam waited inside. The man was consoling his crying wife who finally broke down after keeping a tough façade. Abraham then sees Jesse and Arthur approach them and informed Miriam.

"I'm sorry we came straight over here for help, son... We just didn't know where else to go..." Abraham apologized.

Jesse shook his head, "I'm sorry... I just didn't think it'd get this far... I apologize for my actions earlier..."

The couple nodded, they all finally turned to face table where the letter was laid down neatly. The couple told the gunslingers that they were just doing their early Monday errands, then they came back to the house and the other housemates tells them what happened in a panic. The same housemates tried to get rid of Dupont but he's got way more armed men than they are. They then proceeded to read the letter.

Jesiah or Jesse, I should day. We have met only twice so I doubt that you even remember who I am. But you do have something or someone that I have wanted for more than you've known her. Yes, Jessica, the beautiful girl that you have taken from me. She doesn't deserve a scum, yankee, outlaw, nobody like you. She deserves someone who can give her the world, someone who can buy her the things she deserves. I don't know what kind of witchcraft you have done to her, but she is wrong for choosing you. She should choose me! I should be the one she's laying with at night! I should be the one she should be kissing in the day! SHE SHOULD BE THE MOTHER OF MY CHILDREN. If she can't see that, I can show her... But if that doesn't work, if I can't have her... No one can!

I heard you were a genius, but I highly doubt that... Let's see if you can find us within the day, if not... She's mine.

'I have two intentions,

One is making her mine,

And the other is getting rid of you.

Three words are the only ones I'll tell her,

Eight months too long and I finally have her

Three children are my gifts to her for a lifetime.

Twenty - one times I've tried.

Nineteenth of December is the day you should remember,

That Jessica Wilde will forever be mine.'

"It was only intended for you... Which scares us more because he didn't state why he took our children as well." Miriam shakily said.

"Probably for bait." Arthur suggested.

Jesse sighed, "He's right... He says he loves Jessica... So, he won't hurt her."

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now