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'You filthy blood traitor! Tainting the noble name of your forefathers by associating with such filth! How dare you?'

Walburga Black's voice echoed throughout the miserable and desolate Noble and most Ancient House of Black, though his mother would call it the 'epitome of their being' while his father just nodded proudly, immediately retreating to his office afterward, without uttering a word.

Sirius's screams soon filled the atmosphere of number 12 Grimmauld Place, and Regulus flinched, diving into his covers to try to control his shaking. It just got worse as he heard his mother scream 'crucio!' at his brother. It wasn't the first the first time this was happening. Just a few days ago, Mother had come home from Aunt Druella's manor with some 'good news' that was sure to 'uplift their family name.' Apparently, Bella had been over, and had told her that the Dark Lord would be honoured to have a member of the Black family amongst his loyal Death Eaters.

And she had chosen Sirius to get the mark, in a few weeks. Naturally, he wasn't pleased. Over the next few days, Sirius did his utmost best to get on their Mother's nerves, from blasting popular Muggle music very loudly, to coming to dinner with eyeliner and a funky pair of Muggle jeans. Mother was not pleased.

"How dare you say no to ME?" Mother's voice almost pierced Regulus's eardrums. He took a few deep breaths, trying not to start sobbing. Sirius gave some muffled answer just then, causing his Mother to let out a shriek that did not bode well.

A few tears escaped his eyes, despite his efforts as his brother's yells grew more shrill and hoarse, just as it'd been happening for the past few days.

Suddenly it stopped.

Regulus quickly composed himself, wiping his eyes furiously on his pillowcase and then shoving the slightly wet pillow under his bed. He'd just cast a charm to make sure his red eyes weren't visible, and schooled his features into one of indifference. As soon as he did so, Kreacher appeared. To Kreacher's great surprise (honestly, he didn't even know why he was surprised, again), he found Regulus reading a book, as if he had all the time in the world, as if his brother wasn't being tortured by their parents. But Kreacher knew his young master better than that. He knew that Regulus had been crying, just like how he had over the past few years, ever since Sirius got sorted into Gryffindor and this - this torture had become dinner entertainment.

"Mistress has requested your presence, master Regulus," Kreacher said, bowing low before disapparating with a snap.
A cold glass of water had appeared on his bedside table, left by Kreacher (Regulus smiled fondly. Bless that little elf), just like he'd done every time.

He quickly downed it, feeling better than he'd done before, though the pit of foreboding in his stomach refused to leave, quite insistent on making its presence know by making him feel nauseated. What did Mother want from him? Had he done something wrong? He usually wasn't called after Mother had taught his brother a lesson, so had he done something to warrant one? As soon as this though crossed his mind, he quickly banished it. He had to hurry down, lest should his Mother come to fetch him. That wouldn't end well.

Quickly straightening, he fixed his slightly crumpled suit, pocketed his wand, and left his room to go downstairs and meet his Mother, hands clasped behind his back. As soon as he reached, he saw his mother smiling grimly, looking satisfied with herself, while his father just sat in a corner, watching the proceedings, disinterested.

His brother however, was spread eagled on the floor, multiple cuts and bruises littering his skin. There was a huge gash on his abdomen, which spurted out a lot of blood, but not too much as to kill him. He was not-so-subtly giving Mother the finger, which she pointedly ignored, deeming it below her.

Regulus paled at the sight of his brother, due to both the blood and the blatant disrespect he was showing — did he not know that Mother could quite literally kill him if she wants to? —  but quickly covered it up as he saw his mother's hawk-like eyes scrutinising him.

"Take him away Regulus," Walburga commanded, waving her hand imperiously. Father gave him a quick, fleeting look, as if he was searching for something, before slipping out of the room, most likely off towards his study, inside which no one was allowed. Regulus felt a rush of bitterness towards him. His own wife tortured his sons, and he just stayed holed up inside his secretive study? This was followed immediately by guilt. Father did all he could, but with Mother's furious temper, it was always better to appease her. She surely meant well; that's what mothers did, right?

"I'm going to bed. You should too, Regulus. We're going to the Selwyn manor for brunch." With that, she swept away towards her room. Regulus let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and ran towards his brother.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly. "You shouldn't have said that." Sirius had called Mother 'a first-class bitch' during dinner, and the argument succeeding it led to this.

"Shove off, Regulus," Sirius grumbled under his breath, his voice slightly strained. "Always mummy's perfect little boy, aren't you? Now help me up, I don't think I can walk. Mother dearest was quite thorough today."

"Shut up, you've lost too much blood. Should I call for Kreacher? I should definitely call for Kreacher. Kre—," Regulus was cut off by Sirius's venomous "Not the bloody house-elf!"

"Don't call him," Sirius said seriously. "I don't need the help of Kreacher to get to my room."

Regulus was ready to argue with his brother about his treatment towards the poor house-elf, but now was not the time. Sighing, he hoisted his brother up, keeping a strong grip on his shoulder as they started the tortuous journey up the stairs.

Halfway up the stairs, Regulus stopped, trying to catch his breath. "We really should ask though."

"No," Sirius growled, swaying at his brother's side. The blood dripping down his side was staining the carpet, one which Kreacher would have to clean later on. Regulus sighed. "Come on, then. Only a few more steps left."

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