"It is about the matter of the Clucker’s eggs."

"About the Clucker’s eggs, is it?"

Mylene repeated the question back to me without changing her expression at all.

"That’s right. Why does it seem like nobody wants to sell eggs to me?"

"There’s no such thing going on."

"Don’t lie. There is evidence."

"The Clucker eggs are popular, so they were sold out and I wasn’t able to buy any, due to an overflow of advance reservations."

"A merchant selling eggs said the same thing, you know."

"Then, that is the case."

"Do you think I’m just going to go along with that?"

"Something like eggs, isn’t it fine even if you don’t eat it?"

"I’m offended that someone I don’t know is doing such a thing out there. I also want to be able to serve eggs to my daughter."

"In that case, do you want to bring your daughter’s portion home with you?"

"There isn’t any for me?"

"There isn’t."

Mylene gave me a sweet smile.

What an annoying woman.

One of the few people capable of opposing me.

"Do you intend to not tell me, no matter what?"

"Due to a promise, I am unable to sell eggs to Cliff-sama."

"Is it necessary to keep that promise, to the point of breaking down the relationship between us?"

"That’s right. If the problem this time wasn’t due to you being bad, I might have been your ally. However, this time I am that child’s supporter, because I like that child’s idea."

"I’m the bad one?"

"That’s right, a lot of children have suffered this time because of you. That child is the one who saved them. It might have been the right choice for a feudal lord, but it was a mistake from a human point of view."

"Suffering children?"

"As a merchant, I also understand your way of thinking, but I plan to side with that child this time."

"For you to get that involved is rather unusual."

"That’s because she’s an interesting girl, that one. I’ve seen many different kinds of people until now, but it’s the first time I’ve been unable to see through a child with that kind of power, action, and way of thinking."

"For you to say so much about that person, it seems like it’ll become another thing not involved with the eggs that I have to look into."

"Though, I don’t have any intentions for you to meet them."

"Will you at least tell me what I did?"

"I can’t. If I talk about it, you will understand the connection with that child."

"In that case, can you return the loan from last time to me?"


"You weren’t able to prepare a tribute for the king, right?"

"Are you saying that now?"

"Isn’t that the Commerce Guild’s responsibility?"

"Speaking of that, has the tribute for the king already been decided?"

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