Chapter 1

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Sebastian POV

I have been looking for a little boy for a long time. I have been through many friends trying to set me up with littles and many other places. My last resort is an adoption agency, I never wanted to think about those poor littles in those adoption agencies all alone without anyone to care for them.

I pull up to the agency, I get out of my car, and I straighten my shirt so I look presentable. I take a deep breath before I walk in being faced with a lady that had a big smile on her face. "Hello! Welcome to Sunshine Adoption Agency. How can I help you?" I take a step back since the peppiness was a bit much for me but I politely answer, "Yes, I am looking for a little boy. I'm a daddy" She starts to look in her computer system for all of the adoptable littles there are "Ah. So currently we have 3 little boys. I am sorry it is not a bigger selection but I am sure one will be exactly what you are looking for. What exactly do you look for in a little boy?"

I take a seat, "Well, I look for a little boy that is sweet, caring, his little age is between 1-3, I am okay with them being needy, loves to play with toys, loves me even when I'm strict, etc" She puts my specific wants into her computer system and I become worried when she doesn't say anything for a while. Finally, she turns to look at me, "Well..." Oh no. That never starts well. "It looks like we have the perfect match for you! His name is Oliver and he fits a lot of your criteria. I can take you to him if you would like?" My eyes widen in shock and I nod eagerly, wanting to meet him. "Alrighty! I will show you the way" She stands up from her desk and starts to lead me down a colorful hallway with many different rooms. I am able to catch a glance at some rooms for the littles, there are many girly rooms with pink or purple walls with lots of dolls and stuffed animals. Finally, we stop at a door that has the name "Oliver" on it. My heart starts to beat quickly as she opens up the door.

I am met with a room that has light blue walls, white carpet, a crib lined with stuffies, a train rug in the middle of the room, and a cabinet filled with toys and other things such as diapers, and pull-ups. There was also a little table with all of his drawings on it and coloring books. Then there was the small boy with brown hair wearing a Dino onesie and shorts in the middle of the room playing with his toy dinosaur. As soon as the door opens, the boy shoots his head up and looks at me with wide eyes. He stands up and fidgets with his hands, I can tell he is nervous and shy. Thankfully the adoption lady speaks up. "Oliver this is Sebastian! He is looking for a little boy and I think you two would be a great match!" I see a little bit of a smile come from him and I smile back at him. I notice how much taller I am than him, with my 6'2" figure standing over his 5'5" body it was adorable. "Well, I will leave you two to get to know each other and I will check on you guys in a little while. Oliver be good and enjoy your time together" Now it's just me and him. I bend down to his level near him so I don't overwhelm him too much. "Hey, Oliver. I'm Sebastian but most people call me Seb" He looks at me curiously and he giggles. I swear his little giggle was the cutest thing I've ever heard. "Nice to meet chu. I Oliver!" He says loudly with a toothy smile. I am not officially his daddy so of course, scolding him for not using his inside voice will do more harm than good. "I see you really like dinosaurs" I say as I point at his onesie and his toy on the ground. He nods eagerly and picks up his toy to show it to me. "This is Benny. He a brontosaurus. My favowite dino" He giggles. "I see that, Oliver. Dinosaurs are really cool animals" He takes my hand and leads me over to his crib where I see more dinosaur toys and I can't help but smile. "Dis my crib. I sweep in here at nini time, it really cozy" I smile at him as he tells me more about what he likes and what he doesn't like. He LOVES dinos, fruit, chocolate milk, his crib, and all of his toys. He dislikes loud noises, yelling, spankings, crowded places, and being away from his caregiver.

I want to work up the courage to ask him if he wants to be my little but I am nervous. I try to focus on what he is saying but the thought keeps gnawing at me. We have been playing and talking for about an hour so I decided to ask him about being my little. "Hey Oliver? Can I ask you something?" He quickly looks up from his coloring book and smiles at me, telling me to go ahead. "I was wondering if you could let me be your daddy? You would come and live with me" I say cautiously. He looks at me with a blank stare and I start to get worried. Finally, he speaks up, "Loose toys and crib? No more room? Leave here?" I look at him shocked. "No no Oliver. You would have your own room. Your toys would be coming with you and your crib would be at my house so you'd never lose any of the things you love" He smiles at what I said and he blushes. "You be my daddy?" He turns his head curiously "Yes. I would be your daddy" Then what happens next surprised me. He hugs me and starts to become teary-eyed as he excitedly bounces while saying yes, a million times over. I chuckle as I tell him I will be right back so I can sign his adoption papers and he will officially be mine. I leave the room and head down to the lady I met when I first entered this place. She smiles at me, "So? Is he a good fit for you?" I responded happily, "Yes, he's perfect. I am here to sign his adoption papers" She squeals out of excitement and a little bit of relief. "I am so happy to hear that. Oliver has been here the longest and people find it so hard to get along with him and really connect with him since he goes into a younger head space" I frown at that. How could anyone not love that little cutie? She pulls out the papers, I quickly sign them page by page. I hear someone stumbling on the hall as I sign the last paper. I look over and see that it's Oliver tripping over his suitcase as it's packed to the brim with diapers, toys, and his other necessities. He starts whining when the suitcase doesn't move and looks over at me. I coo at him and help him pick up his suitcase.

"Is this everything you have Oliver?" The lady asks and Oliver shakes his head yes. I squint my eyes at him when he is looking at me and I softly take his suitcase to make sure it's everything actually needed and not just toys. I set it on the lady's desk and open it up. As I guessed, it was all of his toys, blankies, and stuffed animals. I look at Oliver and he smiles at me. "Oliver, you know you can't just bring toys. You need your clothes as well little one" He gives out a little whimper and I lead him back to his room. "I am not mad at you Oliver, I just wanted you to help me pack your clothes and make sure that you have everything you need" He starts to whine and makes grabby hands for me to pick him up. "Oliver, I can't pick you up right now. We need to do this first and then I can give you all the attention your little self can handle" He huffs and sits on the floor. I look down at him and narrow my eyes at him. "Oliver. Do you want to help me or not?" I say in a stern tone as he looks away from me and says quiet no. "Alright" I find a second suitcase under his crib and start putting his clothes in it one by one as he sits in the middle of the room pouting. I zip up his suitcase and bend down to his level. He gives me a side glance and I sigh as I sit down. "Oliver. It's okay that you did not want to help me. I am not mad at you for that. But when you do not get your way, that does not mean you get to pout" He looks at me with a sympathetic look and looks down "I sowwy. I no mean to be grouchy" I ruffle his hair and take his hand. 'It's okay Oliver. I forgive you" I take his suitcase and exit the room, checking over one last time to make sure he has everything. We meet with the adoption lady again at her desk

"I wanted to let you know that I have finalized the paperwork and you are all set to take Oliver home. I hope things went smoothly with packing up his clothes" She looks at Oliver who was hiding behind my leg out of embarrassment. "Yes, everything went okay. We had a little bit of a pouty butt when I asked him to help me but we got that all situated now" I smile at her and she coos at Oliver "Ah well that is understandable. Oliver has little outbursts every now and then, especially when he misses his nap" I hear a small whine from Oliver behind me and I smile a little. "Well, I guess this is it. Ready to go home, Oliver?" I look behind me and he nods his head as he leans his head on my leg. I see the adoption lady grab his suitcases, I thank her, and I pick up Oliver. He squeaks and nuzzles his head into my neck. I carry him outside to my car and get him settled into his car seat. I load his bags into the trunk of my car and hug the lady. "Thank you for all that you have done for him" She smiles at me and hugs me "I am so glad he is finally with someone that will truly care for him" I head to the driver's side of my car and get in. I look behind me at Oliver who has his fingers in his mouth looking out the window and smiling. I give myself a mental reminder to give him a paci and a teether to replace his fingers with. I start the car and I start the journey to my house. 

Little Oli (DDLB story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora