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Yeji's P.O.V

Ever since the day we went to the mall, ryujin has been picking me up from work everyday to hang out. Not that I'm complaining.. I'm really not, in fact, I'm actually loving her effort. But, she hasn't been like this before, like not usually.

It has been five consecutive days since she'd been doing this, and I'm at work right now, just received a message from her saying she'll pick me up again because she wanted to take me somewhere.. I'm excited to see her, and I don't think this feeling I have whenever I see her will ever leave me.

"Okay, okay! Yeorobun!" Momo unnie clapped her hands, gaining everyone's attention.

Me and karina stood up and went beside her, facing all our students who are sitting attentively, waiting for whatever we have to say.

"Who here wants to be a dance coach, just like us??" Momo unnie asked and many of our students instantly raised their hands. We nodded as we scanned the room, happy to find that a lot of them are interested in being a dance couch.

"Okay, great! Well as you have heard, the third branch of this dance company will be opening this year. Meaning we'll be opening spots for dancers who has what it takes to become an official dance coach." One student raised her hand, causing us to look at her.

"Yes jinni?" I asked as I gestured my hand and encouraged her to voice out anything she has in mind.

"Uhm, unnie, speaking of branches, if we do become coaches like you guys.. wouldn't that mean we will be automatically transferred to the location of where the dance company building is?" She questioned. We looked at each other before nodding.

"Yes jinni-ssi. Since we and other dance coaches already occupy this building, the future couches will be sent to work at the other branch." Karina answered, making the students who were hoping to become a coach whine.

"So, does that mean we won't get to see you around, cochi-nim?" Another student, sangwon, asked.

"Unfortunately no.." I started, making them groan in disappointment which was quite cute, if I'm being honest.

"But! We will surely see each other during meetings, occasions and other events related to having us all coaches in the same place, at the same time." I added, making their once sad faces brighten up and fill with hope and excitement again.

"So pelase.. don't be discouraged to apply for a spot, even if you won't see us as often as you guys are used to. We will always be here if you need help. We won't go anywhere." Karina assured, causing them to clap their hands happily and some even murmuring how they will work hard to earn a spot.

And just like that, our day continued with a few more dance practices, breaks consisted of all of us eating snacks while talking to everyone, and of course.. more dancing.

The class ended at about 5:30p.m with everybody filled with sweat, but still energetic and hyper, nonetheless.

"Cochi-nim!!" One student called out. We three turned to look at him.

He ran towards me and stopped right in front of me as I smiled sweetly at him.

"Ne, JJ?" He's name is justin jay, but everyone calls him JJ. He's one of the students we teach.

"Uh, I wanted to pay you back for paying for my bus fee the other day.. so I bought you these." He presented a bag filled with my favorite sweets and a few bags of chips

"Oh! Jay, this is way more than what I gave you.. it's fine really, don't worry about it!" I tried to decline his offer but he shook his head, insisting for me to take it.

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