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I woke up the next day to fuss coming from outside my room.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched before wearing my robe, covering my only clothes which were a black sports bra and boxers.

I opened the door to my bedroom and went straight downstairs without even brushing my teeth first, afraid that Intruders might've entered my place.

"Jiminah, where the fuck are the pans?!"

"How am I suppose to know? I don't fucking live here, unnie.."

I heard momo unnie and karina fighting again so I immediately sighed in relief before approaching them.

"Yah! I'm sorry to disturb you guys but what the hell are you doing in my condo at 8 in the morning?!?" I exclaimed and grabbed my hair out of frustration.

I looked between karina who's sitting at one of the tall stools placed beside the island counter and momo unnie who's crouched down and hidden behind an open cabinet.

"Where are the pans?" Momo unnie asked and I looked at her in disbelief. We had a staring contest for a moment before I sighed in defeat and just pointed to where the pans are placed.

"We decided to eat here since we know your place is always stocked with food. Don't worry, we'll get going after, just here for breakfast." Karina answered nonchalantly and I crossed my arms.

"What, dining and ditching?" I asked and scoffed.

"Yes, sort of like that. Do you want your egg scrambled or sunny-side-up?" Unnie replied and started heating up the pan.

I groaned and turned my back "sunny-side-up." I answered before storming off upstairs to my room.

I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine before returning downstairs. I could hear music blasting from the tv as I made my way down the stairs.

"Ji, where's the soy sauce?" Momo unnie asked as I occupied the stool beside karina.

"It should be in the cupboard to your left." I replied as I chewed on my lip, a little habit of mine.

"I don't see it." She said after she looked inside the cupboard for a second.

"Look for it with your eyes not your mouth, unnie." I replied and she rolled her eyes.

"I did look with my eyes, pabo. I can't make this if you don't have soy sauce." She said and turned around after lowering the fire of the stove.

"Then make something else. What're you making anyway?" I asked and stood from my seat to see what she was cooking.

"Japchae, and no I can't make something else cause I'm already halfway done." She replied in a mocking tone.

"So this basically implies that I should go out and buy one, right?" I asked, looking at her all grumpy.

"Oh my god, you're a genius how'd you know???" She replied sarcastically as she put both her hands on her cheeks, acting shocked.

"It's 8 in the morning I can't deal with your attitude right now, unnie." I complained and walked away from her.

"I'll come with. We'll buy some drinks on the way." Karina spoke and I nodded and changed my clothes before going out.

We went to the grocery store to buy the soy sauce and went straight to Starbucks to buy us drinks to go along with our breakfast.

We were waiting in line until a dog ran up to us and started tugging the hem of my sweater.

It was a fully grown golden retriever. It's a he and a really cute dog. I love dogs so I crouched down and petted the dog softly.

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