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Our hangout ended and mingyu insisted on taking me back home even though I already told him multiple times that it was fine.

We arrived at the front door and bid our goodbyes before he left

I plopped down on the couch and sighed. Honestly, this day didn't go as bad as I expected. At first, I thought that it was going to be bad because everything was awkward when we were walking, but then, we started to have an actual conversation which, surprisingly lasted a long while. He told me a lot about himself and we even had some things in common, like with sports and some random stuff.

We didn't talk much about our personal life. I've never really shared my personal life with anyone, well, except for ryujin, of course, but she's the only one that knows who I truly am and what has happened with my life.

Not gonna lie, he was actually a really fun guy. I liked his company and I wouldn't mind hanging out with him again.

He reminded me a bit of ryujin for the way that he was an adventurous person and how he likes to tease people, though not as much as how ryujin teases me. I remember that one time when she made me cry because she was ignoring me, now looking back at it makes me laugh. It was honestly really hilarious.

I smiled to myself as I reminded myself of all the moments we had with each other. It is really the most beautiful thing I treasure to my heart. I would hate to forget all of those memories we shared, it'll be my worst nightmare. I hope she still thinks about it too..

I stood up to get ready for bed as it was already 1am when we got back. Oh and not to forget, I took him to the cliff I saw the other day, we watched the sunset while eating some snacks.

I got in the shower and washed myself before brushing my teeth and heading for bed.


I woke up the next morning with a mild headache

I sat up from the bed while rubbing my forehead

Looking at the clock, it was 10 in the morning so I got up and stretched my limbs

I suddenly heard a knock at my door which creeped me out since they were knocking on my bedroom door and not the front door.

I slowly approached the door and leaned my ear against it

"Who is it?" I asked and waited for a response

"It's me yeji, good morning." My gosh, it's just irene unnie. That scared to death. I thought I had an intruder this early in the morning..

I opened the door and whined

"Unnie, you scared me!! I thought you were an intruder!" I scolded her and made my way back to sit on the bed

"I'm sorry, I got used to just coming inside without your permission. I thought you would not mind." She explained and approached me before handing me a capsule and a glass of water.

"Take it. I sensed that you're having a headache." She simply said and I complied and drank the medicine

"Thanks. And yes, you're right. I don't mind you coming here without my permission, I was just startled." I said and looked at her

"So should I continue doing it or do you want me to stop so you don't get scared anymore?" She asked and took the empty glass from my hand

"No, you can keep doing that, I'll get used to it, don't worry." I nodded and stood up to brush my teeth.

Once I was done, I went out to the living room to find breakfast already set on the coffee table.

"Now this, this is not acceptable. I can't keep letting you make me breakfast, unnie. I can do it myself, really." I sat down next to her and leaned my head on the couch

"I want to do it, so let me. You'll get used to it, don't worry." She replied and chuckled because of how she copied what I just said 5 minutes ago.

I giggled at her antics and shook my head before thanking her and grabbing my sandwich while she turned on the tv.

We watched and munched on our food together as usual, and when we were done, I put the plates on the sink and washed them as irene unnie who was sitting on the counter, watched me.

"You know unnie, you really don't have to make us breakfast every time you come here- which is everyday, I can do it, myself. I don't want you being extra tired. You already did a lot for me an-" I was cut off when she spoke up.

"It's really fine, yeji. I do not get tired at all, in fact, it motivates me to see you smile and enjoy your meal. It reminds me that my work is really helping you, and that everything I do for you is worth it. It also helps me make sure that you are staying healthy and eating well. It is the least I can do. You asked me for help after all... So, I'm giving you help." She smiled, warmly at me and patted my head gently.

I smiled back and couldn't help but let out a few tears flow down my face. I really feel that she's genuine with what she's doing for me.

"I'm really grateful for you, unnie, and I don't know how to repay you for all the things you've done for me. You taught me a lot, and even gave me an opportunity that I didn't think I could ever have anymore, until you came and showed me otherwise." I wiped my tears away with the back of my wet hands before wiping my hands dry with a clean towel

She gave me a confused look and hopped off the counter

"I gave you an opportunity? I am well aware of my work for you, but I don't think I'm familiar with the opportunity you're saying." She replied and put her finger on her chin, almost as if thinking of what I meant

I chuckled at her and held her shoulders, which caught her off guard for a moment

"You showed me how it felt like to be loved by a mother, unnie. You are like a motherly figure to me and that showed me what it felt like to have your own mom by your side. You look after me, you take care of me, you even feed me! Every day! I never have thought that I'll ever experience this moment until I felt it. From you." I smiled widely before attacking her with a tight embrace

She immediately reciprocated it and caressed my back. We pulled seconds later and she looked at me with watery eyes

"Unnie, you're crying!" I panicked a little and searched for anything to wipe her tears with

"Shh, it's okay. I'm okay." She calmed me down and smiled softly

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." I apologized and looked down

She lifted my chin and wiped the excess tear from my cheek

"I'm just really happy that I can be able to make you feel that certain love you've been craving for, for a long time now."

She smiled so warmly before hugging me for the second time which I gladly returned.

Heyy, another updatee! Just kind of a filler chapter ig, but our dear yeji finally knows what a motherly love feels like, so yayy! Yeah, that's it, lol love you🤍

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