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I stayed seated by the cliff for a while until the sun wasn't shown on the horizon anymore.

I stood up and patted the dirt particles on my butt before starting my way back to the house.

I walked silently with the notebook in my left hand as I looked around

To be honest, there are more people here than I expected. The most shocking thing I've seen is that there's a family here.

They have a daughter, probably seven years old or so.. I feel bad for them, what had they possibly done to be here?

From what I assume was the father of the family, looked in my direction. We made eye contact before he faintly smiled and slightly bowed, acknowledging me.

I reciprocated the gesture and bowed aswell. They seem like nice people, I mean, not just because the guy greeted me but, how they bond with each other as a family is so pure and genuine, it breaks my heart to see them in a place like this. I hope they can get out of here and be free.

I continued my way to the house, I entered and closed the door behind me.

With a sigh, I went to the bedroom and put the notebook on the nightstand and laid down on the bed.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. I twist and turned on the bed, trying to find a comfortable position.

After minutes of not succeeding, I huffed and just laid on my back, staring at the ceiling.

My eyes were focused on the dusty light above while my mind went elsewhere.

I thought of the times where I was at my best, where I was the happiest

And all of that circled around two people, and two people only.

That being my brother, my one and only friend, and my light in shining armour. The other one, being my ryuddaeng. You guessed it. She was my partner in everything, always making me laugh like a maniac with her silly, cheesy jokes, and even though we always bicker, she was always there when I needed someone to lean on. Unlucky things happen and that was when I left her before I even met her, but she still somehow made me feel alive. That's the irony of it.

Those were my thoughts that had helped me sleep that night, I wasn't sure when I fell asleep though, I just opened my eyes and it was already bright outside.

The rays of the sun hit me straight in the face through my window. Early in the morning and I'm already annoyed.

I groaned loudly and groggily stood up. I approached the window and harshly closed the curtains before going back in bed.

I closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep when my face was once again hit by the bright ass sun, shining through

"Huh" I sat up, confused.

I rubbed my eyes, just in case I'm just seeing things wrong, but when I looked again, I was right, the curtains are wide open again. Huh?

I stood up and closed the curtains once again. I slumped on the bed face first, ready to let my sleepiness take over for the second time.

I heard a loud click behind me and felt heat on my back. I already knew that it was the curtains opening again

I huffed loudly and turned around, only to see it wide open, for the third time

"What!?!" I irritated said

"Alright, who's here?!?" I yelled for the whole house to hear but there wasn't any response

I stood up and harshly closed the curtains for the nth time and went to bed.

"Sleeping through the day won't get you anywhere, you know.." someone's voice echoed in my room

I looked up in shock and fright

"Who's there?" I asked and sat up on the bed

"Guess who?" The person asked

"I'm not trying to play games, come out wherever you are!" I demanded and looked around the bedroom

The closet suddenly made a sound that startled me, it slowly opened revealing...

"Irene unnie??" I asked in shock and astonishment

"Yeah haha, uh boo, I guess.." she chuckled and came out of the closet

"W-what are you doing here? How long have you been in there?" I asked, still processing what just happened

"I am just checking up on you and... Not long" She answered nonchalantly

"Don't you think it's too early for you to be here, unnie?" I asked as I tucked myself back under the sheets of the bed

"It's two O'clock in the afternoon yeji, so no, I do not think I amm too early to be here, so get up because you have something to do." She replied and pulled the sheets away from me with great force, making the sheets fly off the bed.

"Well it's too early for me unnie, so can you please put the sheets back on the bed? What's that 'something' I have to do anyways? Cause I don't remember having any plans today, or tomorrow, or for the rest of my stay here.." I asked and put my leg on top of the other

"Aish, you know you can't just stay inside and be sad all day yeji, that won't work. What happened to the yeji I talked to yesterday? As far as I know, she said that she'll do whatever it takes to get out of here, now stand up and get ready, I'll be waiting for you in the living room." She sternly commanded and left the room.

My shoulders slumped as I sat there, staring outside

"She can be really scary sometimes.." I mumbled to myself

"I heard that, Hwang yeji! You better be out of that bed right now or else, may the man above forgive me for I am about to do some sinful things!!" I rushed out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready. I am not about to turn an angel into a demon in a span of 2 minutes..

After I got ready, I went ahead in the living room where irene unnie is sitting very quietly and elegantly. Although she looks very calm, I can tell that she's pissed by the way she's looking at me..

We stared at each other for who knows how long until she motioned me to sit in front of her.

I sat down quietly and I can't help but notice the intense tension between us. She's seems really serious about what we're about to do, and I'm getting very nervous and lowkey scared.

"Okay. I'm going to ask you a series of questions and you have to answer them as truthfully as you can. After that, we'll have a little talk, mainly about how you're feeling and you may share some of your thoughts, only if you want to. It's your choice." It's really terrifying how she's explaining this all with a poker face.

"U-unnie, may I ask why we are doing this? Why do you have to ask me questions?" I asked, carefully, I don't know why though.

"Of course I have to do this. It's my job." She simply replied.

"Your job?" I asked and she nodded

"But, I thought your job was being God's right hand man?" I questioned

"That is true. But I've also been assigned to another job." She answered

"Which is?" I asked

"Your close observer."

Hey guys! How are you all doing this fine day (or night lol)? It's finally spring! I might double update sometime during spring break because I have time, so watch out for that!! Yeah, that's all, have an amazing spring! Love youu🤍🤍🤍

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