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I burst through the door of mingyu's room with an excited face.

"Get up we're going somewhere!" I jumped on his bed and he smacked my leg, making me land directly on his stomach.

"I regret that.." he groaned and I laughed before getting off him.

"Hope your stab wounds didn't open." I joked and he chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, the person didn't even stab me that deep, I think he used a butter knife, how stupid." He got off the bed and I took his position, laying on his bed.

He slept shirtless so I could visibly see the wounds he received from the stabs, he had three on the stomach and two on the back, beside the shoulder.

"I'm impressed you still look lowkey sexy even though you have all those plus the bruise from my friends." I commented as I watched him look for a shirt.

"I know right." He replied as he turned and flexed his abs in front of my face, making me look at him in disgust.

"Ew bro, you just made me gay even more" I said and covered my eyes.

I heard him chuckle and once I opened my eyes and saw him dressed horribly.

"Oh no, you are not wearing that." I said and stood up from the bed.

"Take that off you look like you're about to ask me money to buy food." I told him and he acted hurt.

"What's wrong with this shirt? this my favorite shirt.." he complained.

"Boy everything's wrong with that shirt, look at it! Oh my g- it has a hole on the back!" I smacked his head and made him change to a different, better outfit. I made him shower aswell cause he kinda stank.

I got ready myself. It's early in the morning at 8:45 am, Thursday. Yes, it's thursday, which means it's ryujin and I's hang out today.

Before moving on, lemme fill you in on what happened the last few days.

Uhm, let's start with the day me and mingyu picked up all his clothes from his so called house. Turns out he was just renting the place so we cut the contract and got out of there. He told me that he lied the other day to my friends, telling them that he didn't know who the couple were from the hospital. He knew.. he knew that they were his aunt and uncle. The people who took him when his parents threw him out. They abused him and treated him like shit so he didn't want to come with them.

And obviously he didn't want to say that in front of my friends. He told me it was embarrassing and too personal to share with them which I understood completely. He said that he felt weak even just thinking about the times he would be locked inside his room and not fed any food for 3 days straight because they were teaching him "discipline". I can't even imagine how I'd feel in that situation, but we shook off the past and I told him he was safe with me. Next, I went on my phone to search for nayoung, mingyu's friend. I found her social media account and decided to follow her. She followed me back which was nice. I didn't tell mingyu anything, I wanna keep it as a surprise..

Now we're here. I'm taking him with me cause I found out that nayoung is somewhere near the cafe downtown on her Instagram live, so hopefully we'll have time enough time to see her.

"Ahjussi! Are you done yet?!!" I shouted from my room and I heard him yell 'ne' from his room.

I ran to him to see he's now wearing something presentable for once while playing on his phone.

"Okay come on." He stood up and wore his shoes and followed me downstairs where I'll finally reveal my secret.

"Eat." I said and he complied, eating the food I ordered earlier. I sat beside him and grabbed one of the meals.

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