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A few weeks later..

"Yeji! Have you seen my black socks??" Mingyu shouted from upstairs in his room.

"Did you check under your bed?" I asked as I stood up from the couch to check the main floor.

"Yeah, I found my airpods there! But no socks.." he answered. I heard him walking around his room as I went to the laundry room to check.

I found the said pair of socks after a minute of checking and went upstairs to hand it to him.

"Found it." I went through the door with a sigh and threw the socks on the bed.

He snatched the socks on the bed and wore them. After he got his shoes on he stood up and hugged me.

"You're a life saver." He thanked as we separated the hug.

I looked down to check if everything's okay with his outfit and saw that three buttons from his polo were not done, making his chest slightly visible.

"Yah. Don't try to be sexy, you're working in a cafe not a bar.." I scolded and buttoned two of the buttons and fixed his collar.

He rolled his eyes, saying stuff like hyunjin does it too but I don't complain about it. He's been working in my brother's cafe for two weeks now, and he says he's loving it so far. Hyunjin and him got along after I introduced him to the guys.

"I made french toast. Eat before you leave." I went to the bathroom as he went to the kitchen to eat the breakfast I prepared.

After doing my business I went out to find him drinking water and wiping his mouth before going to me and giving me a quick hug.

"Jin's here, I better get going.." he said as I followed him to the lobby and waved at my brother who was in his car. He smiled and exited the car to give me a tight hug.

"Missed you~" he cooed and I giggled and pinched his cheek.

"Missed you too, take care okay? Drive safe." He gave me one last peck on the cheek before him and mingyu started walking to his car, leaving me inside the lobby watching as they interact with each other.

A car pulled up beside my brother's car and got out of the vehicle. Ryujin..?

Hyunjin and mingyu went to her and gave her a hug before they went ahead to the car and drove off.

I watched as she approached me in the lobby with my brows raised.

"Hi." She greeted with a smile.

"Hi." I repeated as I hugged myself.

These past weeks, me and her had become the closest. But this is the first time she actually came by without me knowing. She usually doesn't get pass the lobby but I guess right now she'll finally see what my place looks like.

I started walking ahead and she followed.

"I didn't expect you to visit, what brings you here?" I asked as we entered the elevator and pressed the button for my floor.

"Uh, no reason actually. I was bored at my place so I decided to visit you." She answered nonchalantly and I nodded.

"Haven't thought about contacting your friends? Or your sister?" I asked again, earning a chuckle from her.

"Nope.." she says, popping the p.

"That doesn't make any sense.. why'd you come here then?" I asked as I opened the door to my condo and made way for her to enter.

She slowly walked inside and took a look around.

"Your place is nice." She complimented after inspecting the place.

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