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I don't know where to start, I have so many questions. I want to know everything.

"I- e-evrything." Was all I can manage to say, I'm very overwhelmed right now and I guarantee that it is not in a good way...

"Oh, yeah, for sure I can tell you everything but.. you gotta give me an idea on where to start" she chuckled and caressed my back.

"Why am I here? Who are you really? Who were you talking to earlier? What did that man mea-" I was cut off

"Okay, okay yeji, breathe for a sec alright? Relax." She moved closer to me, I don't know why but I felt her worry for me, I don't know if she's just putting up an act to get closer to me or she's sincerely worried..

"Take deep breaths" she commanded as she took steady breaths for me to follow

After a minute of just taking deep breaths, I've finally calmed down

"You okay now?" She asked and I nodded

"Okay I'll start by introducing myself again, properly this time. I'm bae joo-hyun or preferred as irene and the person who I was talking to earlier when you were still unconscious was God himself, I am one of God's right hand people, my work is to welcome new comers and take them where God wants them to go, normally I would've gone by now to continue my job but you seem like you need someone beside you so here I am, staying with you for a while." Irene unnie explained.

So she's one of God's right hand people? That means she's good right? Right.. her job is to just take me here then leave, so- wait, where even am I??

"Where am I, irene unnie?" I asked politely

"Well.. you're in what they call, the waiting room, You know people who talks about it being an enclosed hallway with zero people whatsoever? Yeah, this is it, and it's not really what they assumed it to be. You're like in a town, like on earth, this is where God put people when he's not yet sure if they'll either go to heaven or... Down there." She pointed on the ground

"Wait, so I have a chance of going to hell!?!?" I'm freaking out, I don't want to go to hell, I don't want to end up in that shithole!!

"Yes...?" She answered unsurely

"Unnie, I can't go to hell, I don't think I deserve to be there. You gotta help me, please." I begged her

"I believe you yeji, I can sense that whatever sinful thing you've done in the past, you regret doing. All you have to do is to prove that to him and you'll be granted as you wish." She replied

"Him? You mean God?" I asked and she nodded

"How can I possibly prove it to him, he's probably somewhere, busy with all his responsibilities and I'm here, stuck in whatever this place is.." I hung my head low and cover my face with my hands

"Don't underestimate the power of God yeji, he might be watching over millions and billions of people but trust me, he is observing you. Whatever you're up to, he has got eyes on you." That's kind of creepy to be honest but he is God afterall, he can do anything.

I sighed "alright, I'll prove myself to him. I regret everything that I have done and I'll show him that." Irene unnie smiled upon hearing what I said

"I know you are, yeji. You can do this. Don't lose hope, I'll be supporting you" she assured me

"I guess my job here is done then. You can go out and roam around the town. Truthfully, being here isn't really enjoyable but I know you'll make it through. You're a strong girl yeji, I know you can do it." She encouraged me.

I couldn't help myself but to hug her tightly, she'd been really helpful right now, she's giving me the strength of actually trying my best to get out of this place. I already know that this'll be one heck of a torture for me and I'll do anything to escape it.

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