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"tteokbokki?" I asked and she nodded.

"But that means taking you to a completely different part of town.." I said and furrowed my brows

"Yes. We'll find some." She said in a common sense voice.

"I don't have a car." I said in a low tone.

"Ah, okay. I have mine parked somewhere over there, we can use that." She smiled and led me to where her car was parked.

We came face to face with a white BMW. It's kind of identical with her past car but that one had a dark camouflaged color and red rims which gave it an emo look. Either way it was a great car with great memories hidden inside it.

This one is more classic, more elegant, and surely looks expensive.

We got inside the car and I watched her buckle her seatbelt.

"You might want to put your seatbelt on. I'm not really in the mood to be the one responsible if you get caught by the police." I chuckled and obeyed.

We were driving down town when I looked at her direction. She's focused on the road. I've missed this moment so much.. just us sitting in the car together while I watch her drive brings a different kind of joy to my heart, the one that can make it explode. Being able to relive this moment with the exact person I want to relive it with is like having a dream come true. My dream came true.

The car suddenly came to a halt, making us both lean slightly forward.

"Where'd that guy come from?? It's literally a green light, asshole, you shouldn't be crossing the road." she cursed under her breath and repositioned the gear stick.

"That was a real dickhead.." I commented and she nodded in agreement and continued driving.

"I'm impressed by your driving skills though, you know, despite being in a cast." I cooed and she chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm getting it off in two- three months or so.. then it's over." She replied.

"You said you got it from a car crash right?" I asked and she looked at me before looking back on the road.

"Well yeah, technically. I got hit by a car about three months ago.. this was the result. It's just that the joint in my elbow became so weak due to the impact, to the point where I can't even lift 5 pounds without spraining my arm. That's why I got surgery done. Hopefully it goes back to normal after this..." She explained and it got me wondering if her accident maybe had something to do with mine..

About three months ago was when I had a coma. Lia said that the person I hit was a girl and that she didn't suffer any major injuries but a few scratches and a fractured arm..

"Do you know who hit you?" I asked becoming really tense of the realization that I, out of everyone, may be the one that hit her.

"I forgot, but I think it was hwang something..." She answered and my breath hitched.

"Are you okay?" She asked after a moment of silence.

"I- yeah, sorry, I just have to call someone." I said and took out my phone.

I found the number, clicked it and put the phone to my ear.

After four long rings, she finally picked up.

"Hello? Lia?" I said and waited for an answer.

"Yej, why are you calling?" She asked in a tired voice.

"What was the girl's name? The one I hit three months ago." I whispered into the phone and she yawned as I heard the bed shuffle.

"Uhm.. hold on let me think.." I waited for her to answer as she thought of the name.

Reconcile • RyejiWhere stories live. Discover now