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As usual, another session has ended with irene unnie and thankfully, she left with a smile on her face, indicating that I did well on the talk.

I sighed and watched whatever was on the tv until a knock was heard on my door

I stood up and opened the door revealing an excited mingyu with his arms full of snacks.

"Oh! I see you're watching tv, mind if I join you?" He eagerly asked as he hugged the snacks tighter in excitement

"You look excited to see me, uhm, sure come in" I chuckled and moved aside to give him space to enter

"Well that's because I am!" he replied as he entered, immediately going towards the couch and making himself comfortable

"What are you watching?" He asked as I sat beside him, grabbing one of the chips he brought

"Some game show that me and irene unnie always watch, it's pretty funny, actually" I munched on the chips and focused on the tv

"Eh, kinda boring. Let's watch something else" he grabbed the remote as I glared at him and playfully rolled my eyes

"I've been watching this series called (insert whatever series you want lol) and it's pretty good, not gonna lie" he changed the channels and set the remote down after he found it

"I never knew there were series available on the tv..." I scratched my head and he chuckled

"Of course there are, not tons but, there are choices.." he leaned back down on the couch and grabbed himself some snacks as we continued to watch

We talked about a bunch of things and shared some laughs until it was time for him to head home.

"Wow, I didn't even notice.. it's late already" I chuckled and stood up to show him the door

"I know right, I'm just that fun to be with" he boasted and wiggled his brows

I rolled my eyes and pushed him lightly as I shook my head

"What? Come on, don't even deny it, ji" he teased and poked my sides

"You're so annoying, you know that?" I shooed his hands off and crossed my arms

"And you are so in denial, don't be like that, it's bad for your health" he snorted at his own pun and I just stared at him weirdly

"Whatever you say.." I opened the door and pushed him out playfully

"Damn, you're that eager to get rid of me??" He said, sounding hurt

"Eh, kinda" I giggled and leaned on the door frame

He chuckled and shook his head "Okay, I'll head home now. I'll see you later, aight?" I nodded as he raised his fist for a fist bump which I accepted before he turned his back and started walking

"Walk safely, Don't be stupid." I reminded as I waved my hand

"Tch, I'm not stupid, you are." He fired back while struggling to walk backwards

"Yeah right, walk properly, paboya" I chuckled as I watched him

"have a good night, yejiriee!" He giggled and waved his hands like a little boy before finally walking properly

"You too!" I slightly shouted because of the distance. He nodded before jogging away to his house

When I closed the door, I turned off all the light and went straight to the bathroom to get ready for bed

As my body hit the mattress, I suddenly felt exhausted. I don't know why, I just stayed inside all day and had a movie marathon with mingyu... I think it might be because of laughing too much.. oh well, I had fun anyways, so it doesn't really matter.

It only took seconds before my body decided to shut down and take me to dreamland.


I woke up the next morning with a back ache, realizing that I slept on the book I was reading the other day. Great way to start the morning, I guess...

I stood up and stretched my limbs, letting out a low groan.

"Yeji! Breakfast is ready!" I heard Irene unnie call from outside my room

"Okee!!" I shouted

I brushed my teeth and washed my face before walking outside the room

"joeun achimieyo, unnie" I greeted and approached her, embracing her with a tight hug

"Oh, it seems like you woke up on the right side of the bed.." she chuckled and hugged me back

"Hm, more like the left side. Literally. I slept on a book and now my back hurts a bit." I replied and sqeezed my shoulder

"Ahh, no problem. Tell me where it hurts." She faced my back and held my shoulders

"A little to the side." I guided her as she slowly pressed her palm against my back

"Okay, take a deep breath" she instructed and I complied. Once I exhaled, she suddenly pushed hard on my back, making a loud crack

I yelped in shock, but didn't feel any pain, whatsoever.

"Move your shoulders, tell me if it still hurts" she let go of me and allowed me to move and see if there's any aches left

"No, it doesn't hurt anymore! Thanks, unnie" I smiled in relief and she did the same, shooting me a warm smile.

"Okay, go ahead and eat your food before it gets cold" she guided me to one of the stools

We sat together and ate while talking about anything and everything

"Oh, almost forgot, let's take a walk after our session, shall we?" She suggested as she took a bite of her omelette

"Eh? You wanna take a walk? Wouldn't that take much of your time for work?" I asked before drinking some water

"Let's just say... I have some free time today, and I want to spend it with you~" she smiled and pinched my cheek as if I'm some 5 year old kid

I giggled and set the glass down "okay, I'm down for a walk, but are you sure you wanna walk? Don't you prefer to stay indoors?" Unnie had mentioned that she would rather stay inside and read a book, if she has time, rather than going outside.

"I do, but I've noticed that you love walks so I decided it'd be a great idea to take a walk. You know, get to know your interests more.." she stated as she stood up and put our plates in the sink

"Well, I'm sure that you already know my interests since you can literally read my mind" I chuckled

"No, that's not what I meant. I mean, I wanna get to know your passion, I wanna know what you love. And that doesn't come from here" I followed her finger as she pointed it to my head.

"It comes from here." She pointed to my heart and gently tapped it, twice.

We made eye contact for a second before she smiled cheekily which made me giggle

"I'll take care of th-" I cut her off

"No, I'll take care of the dishes. You go and chill on the couch while you wait for me." I insisted and shooed her towards the couch

I washed the dishes and got ready before me and irene unnie went on our walk.

Updateee!! Hope you're doing great! Das all lol.. take caree, love you🤍

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