Chapter 60 - Godless

Start from the beginning

Taking the sweet time. Yeah, lots of time after all.

Then, Celina's device starts to emit a red tone followed by a white tone. Her brow raises as she takes a step closer to her console. Her gaze darts between the device and her instruments as she listens to the signal. Her fingers move across the controls as she attempts to figure out the situation. Her eyes widen when she figures it out.

"Almost there, almost there..." she whispers to herself as the wavelengths start to stabilize. From the other side of the car, Ji-ae turns towards the sound and look at Celina.

"Is that junk working for real? Took you long enough." Ji-ae scoffs as she puts her guns aside.

"Hey now, Ji-ae. No need to get on her nerves. Geniuses take their sweet time, you know!" Valentina retorts to Ji-ae in a playful tone.

"Is there a problem? We all can be a lot more stressed when you're taking your sweet time." Rian adds in.

"I'm almost there... there! Got it! I'm opening a channel." Celina mutters as she presses the button to open the channel. 

"This is Standard-bearer Celina Galat from G.o.D Squad, does anyone around the vicinity copy?" Celina says into the radio. Her body begins to tense up as it goes unanswered for several seconds.

Finally, a response comes in. "Yes, G.o.D! Do you read? Please respond if you understand me!" a male voice answers.

"Is this the Moose Unit speaking?"

"Affirmative. You need to get here quick, we're being torn apart and we need immediate support."

"What's your location?"

"An abandoned town just a few kilometers away from the road. We got surrounded and pinned down. We've lost two men and we can't take much more than that!"

"Acknowledged and en route. Hang tight." Celina closes the radio channel as she stares wide-eyed at the dashboard. She quickly types something on her keyboard to bring up a map of where exactly they are located in this remote wasteland. She scrolls down the map to see the nearest town and it's one in the southwest. She gives the coordinates to Walter.

"We need to hurry, the town is just a few kilometers away and we must get there as soon as possible."

Walter nods. "The area's a land of death. I heard it's haunted by the spirits of those who perished out here. Guess we're heading right into the danger zone."

"Better get moving before we get tackled. Break out your gears and let's go." Berat states as he grips on his unsheathed sword as Walter takes a turn to the left, landing on the rocky terrain in direction of the town under siege. 

Valentina readies her long-range rifle as well while Ji-ae loads each of her SMGs before she readies herself. Rian only prepares to pull out his saber.

"You know, the one thing I hate about this is that we look just like the last group of soldiers out of a Sci-Fi flick," Rian quips. Celina chuckles in response.

"Oh, you wish. But this will be with more exciting and real effects, believe in that." She smirks as she readies her sais and two automatic pistols as they head near the town. Even if far away, once could the Zlocan blaster fire from afar, as well as the smoke from the wreckage of explosions and their fire as well. So, the odds were definitely against them. But still, the possibility exists that they might find someone else still alive out here. They would hope so at least.

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