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I saw this idea from Pinterest so, yeah

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The Jade Princess ran behind Lloyd and hugged him.Laying her neck in the crook of his neck.Lloyd blushed and closed his eyes in embarrassment.

"Hey Lloyde"Harumi said lifting his chin and kissing him.Lloyd's face became even redder before he realised something.There was still a person behind him...

He pulled back and stepped to the right parting from the duo and stared in shock.Harumi stood in front with a grin on her cherry red lips before Lloyd looked next to her to see Harumi with a dark out fit and spikes on it with her hair down.Different from how she normally had it.The two Harumi's smiled at him innocently.

"Hey Darling, is something wrong?"The Princess asked the blonde.

"Why are there two of you!?"Lloyd asked.Both Harumi's giggled.

"We'll explain later."They both said.

"Ow my Ankle hurts.Can you carry me Lloyd?"Harumi asked.Lloyd picked one up as they other jumped in his grasp.

"My ankle hurts too?"She said.Lloyd carried them both in one arm.


Lloyd put both Harumi's down on his bed And sat behind them.

"So?How are there two of you?"Lloyd asked.

"Well I'm the good Harumi and she's the...well not bad but bad Harumi"The princess said.

"Okay...Well I've seen weirder."Lloyd said.Both Harumi's started crawling to Lloyd as he backed up before both Harumi's grabbed one side of his cheeks and kissed his ear leaving a trail down to his neck.Lloyd blushed heavily.

"Your Ours Now Lloyde~"

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