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The Ninja were camping for a fun trip.Everyone was partnered up.Zane And Pixal.Nya And Jay.Kai & Skylor.Cole and Vania and Finally Lloyd and Harumi.

Harumi stayed awake unable to sleep.Harumi Looked over to Lloyd who was asleep Cuddling the Large Blanket, breathing out his mouth camly.She Smiled at the Adorable Green ninja before she got an Idea.

Harumi took a picture of her kissing Lloyd's cheek and posted it on Ningram.Harumi giggled at the picture before watching Tik tok.Lloyd woke up and sighed.

"Rumi it's three in the morning.Go to bed."Lloyd whined

"Nu!I'm not tired!" Harumi said in her baby voice.Lloyd sighed again before wrapping his arms around her waist and cuddled her.

"Spider Bit the Mouse to Sleep~"Lloyd whispered

"Don't wake up or you'll find a spider in your mouth~"Lloyd whispered again.He didn't know the whole luliby but it always worked putting Rumi Asleep.

"Goodnight Rumi.Luv you"Lloyd said as He fell asleep.Harumi turned around and clinged to the blonde.

"I love you too Lloyde"

I'm sorry this is so Short but it ended with 169 words

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