Mermaid P2

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"Yes Love?"Harumi whispered as Lloyd rubbed his eyes.Harumi brought him a glass of water as Lloyd starting drinking.

"Harumi?What are you doing here?" Lloyd asked.His friends were gone but some very cute girl ,who he just met, was still watching over him.

"Well, your friends let me stay.I haven't left your side."Harumi said placing her hand gently ontop Lloyd's.He blushed.Any type of movement with Lloyd ,who wasnt really introduced or learnt about 'love', would turn him into a blushing Mess.Harumi only found it adorable.

"Thanks, uhm...Harumi W-"Lloyd started but got cut off.

"Please call me Rumi"Harumi said.Lloyd smiled

"Okay Rumi, would you like go out on a date?There's an island out there we just have to swim to it."Llpyd said scratching The back of his neck.Harumi smirked bring his face to hers.

"Of course I would"Harumi smirked pulling Lloyd up.The two childishly started giggling and chasing after each other.Harumi was much faster in water but On Land Lloyd was much faster.He caught up to her in seconds and started tickling her.Harumi started laughing as the two reached the Top.

"Why do you have to live ontop of a mountain?"Harumi asked.Lloyd giggled at the comment and cupped her hands.

"Do you trust me?"Lloyd asked.

"I only met you about 3 hours ago but sure!"Harumi said.Lloyd jumped off and dragged Harumi with him.She started screaming as Lloyd summoned his elemtal dragon

"Now my lady, would you like to swim?Or Fly?"Lloyd asked, Harumi gripped his waist Tightly.

"Well flying would be a new experience, so please may we fly?"Harumi said.True she was scared off heights as A mermaid mostly stayed in water but flying would be a new experience.And one she wouldn't miss out on.The dragon started to reach the island.

Lloyd and Harumi jumped down as Harumi started following Lloyd.He Sat down as Harumi layed Next to him as The two started to watch the sun set and Night start to rise.

"Its beautiful"Harumi whispered.Lloyd smiled as they started seeing shooting stars light up the sky.

"You know I never expected to see a shooting star"Harumi whispered.

"Well someone wise told me that 'if you expect something, you'll always get the opposite' I guess that's true."Lloyd smiled.Harumi layed her head on his chest and Cuddled him as Lloyd returned it.

"Night Rumi"Lloyd whispered.Harumi smiled in response as that was the only thing she could blurt out as she was too tired.

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