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I really enjoyed writing this, so I hope you will aswell!Sorry if Ive done this before it just came to me so I had to do it.

<Total words:632>

Lloyd had been following behind Harumi as she hacked through vines.Lloyd Looked at the map.

"How much Longer?" Harumi whined as She slashed a few more vines.

"Well it should be a few more Miles East, Or"Lloyd said.Harumi turned around.

"Or?"Harumi asked.

"We could Have some Fun."Lloyd whispered suductivly in a husky voice.Harumi shivered, she never heard Lloyd speak like this before.

"F-Fun?"Harumi asked."What do you mean fun?"Harumi asked thinking he was some...other kind off fun.

(If you don't get what she's implying you're too young😂)

"Yeah!There's a lake about five minutes from here.We could go swimming together!" Lloyd giggled childishly.

"Oh!Y-Yeah Sure!"Harumi said.She stuck close To Lloyd As the Sun started to set.

"Rumi Look!"Lloyd yelled pointing at the sun set.He climbed ontop of a rock and Helped the Jade Princess on as they both looked at the Sky

"Its beautiful.Yknow, I've missed these Views.I could see the sun set from my room."Harumi said as her smile dropped as she remembered the Palace and her parents.Lloyd placed his now healed arm over her shoulder as they both stared at the sky.

"After all of this, I'm glad I'm with you."Harumi said as she placed her hand on his knee as she leaned in.Lloyd became flustered as he didn't know a way out.They both heard a snap behind them.

"What was that?"Lloyd asked.

"I don't know Probably nothing."Harumi said.Why did it have to happen then!They were just about to kiss!

"Yeah nevermind"Lloyd said sliding down the rock."Rumi wanna go in that lake?"Lloyd asked.

"Sure"Harumi said sliding down the rock.

Lloyd took of his shirt to reveal his muscular body.Harumi blushed as she couldn't take her eyes off Lloyd.She didn't want to seem like a creep but Lloyd was to cute.Flowing green energy ran through his sides, his strong arms.He looked like an angle.She stopped herself from Looking lower on Lloyd's body and Put her hand on her head.Her cheeks were pinker than Zane's gi from when Lloyd made it pink.Lloyd Front flipped into the cool lake.

"Cmon Rumi, its Been a boiling day.Come in!I won't look."Lloyd vowed despereat for Harumi to get in.She sighed.

"Turn around then."Harumi said as Lloyd complied.A feeling washed over him.He kinda wanted to turn around but respected Harumi's privacy.She jumped in as she tried to get used to the water.Lloyd swam underwater without her noticing.

"Lloyd?"Harumi called out.She was now scared.

"Lloyd?Dont do this.This isn't funny!"Harumi Yelled more desperately.She heard a splash behind her.

"Relax Rumi, I'm right here"Lloyd said swimming closer to her as he held her in his chest.

"Dont do that!"Harumi yelled punching his shoulder lightly.

He giggled as they starred into each others eyes.Harumi wrapped her hands around his neck.Lloyd blushed not realising the look in her eyes.It was Lust?Lloyd wanted to pull back but Harumi wouldn't let him.

"Not this time"Harumi whispered against him before smashing her lips onto his.

Lloyd was shocked but returned the kiss.Harumi's waist subtly moving against him.She licked his lip asking for permission to which he gladly gave permission.She explored his mouth swallowing his moan.They both pulled back and rested their forehead against each others.

"Took you long enough to let me kiss you~"She whispered in his ear.

"Didnt know you wanted to kiss me so bad~"Lloyd flirted.

"Maybe we should stay here for the night"Lloyd whispered

"I don't care where we are, as long as we're together."Harumi whispered.

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