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Since ALOT off you wanted Lloyd and Harumi to have babies I hope this pleases you.Enjoy!

Total words are:604

Harumi put her hood up and walked in the mall.Her three baby's luke, leia and Karai all started staring at random stuff

"Muma!W-Wook"Luke said tugging on Harumi's shirt pointing at an action figure.

"No we arnt getting it."Harumi replied quietly as Her children gave her soft puppy eyes.

The action figure went in the trolley.

Harumi continued to wonder around and picked up some cerial, milk, bread and eggs.She picked up a bit off chicken examination it.

A boy with a hood up came in.Lloyd looked at the shopping list, first thing Was chicken.Lloyd walked to the Isle and picked up a chicken.Harumi looked at the boy beside her before coming flustered.It was Lloyd.This could only go well.The twos and touched as they went to grab the chicken as it was retracted.

"Im sorry, you take it"Lloyd said.

"Nono I insist you t-Take it"Harumi whispered slightly.Lloyd thanked her and walked off.Something about that voice.And the hand felt familiar.It couldn't be her.Could it?

Harumi started to get ready to pay as Lloyd stopped her.

"Here I'll pay."Lloyd said giving his card to Harumi.She smiled and payed.They both walked out.

"Why did you help me?"Harumi asked sweetly.Lloyd bent down to her ear.

"Because rumi, you have some explaining to do."Lloyd whispered."Here my cars quicker but I'm taking you to the monastary."Lloyd said.

Harumi nodded and got into the car resting the triplets in her lap.Lloyd smiled before driving.
Harumi stared out the window.And to think she used to control these people.Harumi put her past behind her.She was no longer the 'Quiet one'.
She hated the name.

The couple and triplets Arrived at the monastary as a boulder moved revealing a garage.He parked the car.And opened the elevator for Harumi and her children.They wondered about, playfully giggling.Lloyd laughed slightly.Harumi looked away as Lloyd cupped her hand.

"Ive missed you.Alot you know."Lloyd said quietly.Harumi smiled as She restered her head on his shoulder.

"Ive missed you too.I felt so bad of what happened in the cave and I missed you so much when I was In prison and ruling the city.Deep down, I guess what we had was real."Harumi smiled.The door opened as they both made there way to Lloyd's room.

"Jeez,I thought I was the slob"Harumi smirked.

"Haha very funny"Lloyd said sarcastically.The triplets started playing with Lloyd's random toys that layed on the ground from when he was a kid.

"So care to explain why they L-Look like me?"Lloyd asked nervously.

"Uhm Well, I kinda drugged you"Harumi said.

"WHAT!"Lloyd yelled standing up.Harumi grabbed his shoulders pulling him down.

"I'm sorry!I knew you were to stubborn enough to join me so I wanted a baby with you.Because I loved you and it would mean you stayed with me!I didn't want to loose you!"Harumi said

"So you stole my V-"Lloyd started.

"Lloyd it was either me or no one."Harumi smirked.

"Hey!"Lloyd yelled tackling Harumi to the bed and started tickling her.

"L-Lloyd!S-Stop!You know I hate to be tickled!"Harumi said interrupted by her own Laughter.Lloyd kissed Harumi's nose before stopping.Harumi cuddled Lloyd before Luke, leia and Karai sat on their lap.

"Dada!"Leia Yelled, Lloyd blushed.The triplets started falling asleep as Harumi nuzzled her head into Lloyd's neck

"I love you Lloyd~" She giggled

"I love you more Rumi"He whispered.Now it was their turn to fall asleep

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