Something Weird With Harumi

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Thank you Stevonniverse for the request

<Total words:1218>


Lloyd's doorbell rang as he paused his TV and answered it.

"Hey Lloyd!I-I got you your favourite foods!"Harumi said.Lloyd looked behind her too see a blanket and basket layed outside his house.

"Uhhh"Lloyd said.

"Its a pick nick!Do you love it?" Harumi asked as Lloyd stared blankly.
"We can go on a romantic walk after or watch the sunset together!"Harumi said.

"Oh wow, that's...great Rumi"Lloyd scratched the back off his neck.
"Th-Thanks but I'm kinda busy right now.Im sorry"He sighed.

"Oh Busy, right, okay.Im shouldve thought that the green Ninja was busy.I'll just go"Harumi said as Lloyd closed his door.Harumi sighed as she picked up her basket and put a cookie she made on the floor, wrapped in paper.

"Oh um thank you for the Cookie."Lloyd smiled and shut the door again.

~Harumi's house~

Harumi stared at the photo off Lloyd saving her and her kissing his cheek.A few tears dropped, slightly before she heard a bang.She ran outside to Pixals workshop.

"Pix!Are you okay, what happened?"Harumi asked asked.Pixal scratched her head

"Im okay, I'm okay.Thank you Harumi.I was just experimenting."She giggled as Harumi sobbed.

"Harumi are you okay?"Pixal asked.

"I feel so silly.I tried to show Lloyd how much I care for him, but he just doesn't care!Sometimes I think that no matter what I do, he's...he's never gonna Love Meeeee!"Harumi cried.

"Boys are like that Harumi.Especially Lloyd.He's shy and very dumb sometimes.He'll come around.After all who couldn't love you?"Nya chirped in.Harumi stopped her crying

"You, you think so?"She asked gently sobbing.

"We know so!"Nya and Pixal said.

"You know, maybe you should play HIS game.Be like him.Let him go after you.Next time you see him don't look at him.It will drive him crazy."Nya said.Harumi stopped crying and smiled.

"How do I do that?"Harumi asked.

"Ignore him"Pixal said.

"Oh I'm going to ignore him so Good!Thank you girls"Harumi said.

"No problem."They said.

~Time skip~

Harumi skipped down the street as she saw Lloyd ahead off her.

Okay there he is.Just play cool rumi.Play it cool.Dont even look at him or say 'good morning' just keep your eyes straight ahead and he'll start to miss you, then it will grow and grow and grow and then you'll get Married!

Harumi smiled at her thought and walked straight past him.But Nothing.

~Time skip~

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