The Offer P2

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Lloyd left to put Baby Wu in his resistance base.He told her to stay so she obliged and Sat down.

'Why is he playing so Hard To Get!All I want is for him to be mine.Is that so hard?I got him before I'm sure I can do it again.I mean how hard can it be?'Harumi thought.Lloyd jumped up out of  nowhere and sat next to her.

"So have you made up your mind?"Harumi asked.

"No.I mean I love you and I want too see my father again but my friends have always been there for me."Lloyd said.

"Have they?Lloyd when they first met you did they really care for you.I mean you nearly Died.Kai almost chose the Fang blade over you!"Harumi Yelled

"But You chose the Mask of Hatred over me"He snapped getting up.He walked to the edge with his hands on a bar.Harumi walked behind him and hugged him.

"Did I?"


Harumi picked up the mask of Hatred and used its strength to punch Lloyd against the rock.Harumi pinned his arms down and sat in his lap.

"Why are you doing this!?"Lloyd asked.

"Why are you doing this?Why are you not being with the one you love.I want you.If there was another way I would take it but there isn't."She said.The two fell silent for a while before Lloyd broke it as Harumi started to lean into him.

"What are you doing?"The blonde asked.

"Something I should of done ages ago."She said before putting her face on Lloyd's Making a kissing sound.The Mask of Hatred blocking the two from kissing.He blushed before Harumi took it of and kissed him.He was in shock before returning it.Harumi smirked and pulled back biting his lip, teasing him.

"I'm gonna miss you.Last chance.Join me...please~"Harumi whispered.

"Im sorry"Lloyd said.Harumi got up and started walking away.

"Well I guess this is goodbye... My love"She said as she left the cave, a few tear falling from her eyes.

End of Flashback


So you see.I never wanted to leave you."She said said gently pecking his cheek.

"Rumi I-I can't.I want to be with you, I want to be with my father but  I just can't."Lloyd said.

"Is this Lloyd talking to me?Or the Green ninja?"Harumi asked as Lloyd froze."Lloyd you've put this city before you.Every bit of fun is controlled by this city.And what for?It turns on you after you save it from extinction."She said stroking his cheek."The Green ninja has done what makes him happy.Its Lloyd's turn"Harumi said as she parted from him.

"Wait!"Lloyd yelled pulling Harumi back."You right.I will join you"He said.He didn't know if it was the right thing to do but it was what he wanted.

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