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 I sat at a small table in a small coffee shop with Dabi on my right. I picked up my tea cup and took a sip of tea.

"This place is wonderful." I commented. "Thank you for meeting us here."

"This is Gentle and I's favorite place to go!" The tiny woman squealed.

"I can see why." I turned to the man in front of me. "I just have to say, you two have inspired me. You two are truly unique villains."

"Are you asking us to join the league of villains?" La Brava asked.

My eyes slid to her. "No. But I have come here to ask you two a question."

"Well what is it then?" She demanded.

Dabi tensed beside me.

Gentle Criminals' head snapped toward her. "La Brava! Be nice."

La Brava blushed. "I am sorry Gentle."

Gentle Criminal looked at me. His eyes bouncing nervously in between Dabi and I. "So what exactly did you want to meet with us about?"

I flashed him a quick smile. "Well, I was hoping we could make a deal."

His eyebrow quirked up. "What kind of deal?"

I leaned forward. "One that will benefit both of us, and all villains for that matter."

He looked at La Brava briefly before his eyes settled on me once again. "We are listening."

I nodded. "As you know, I have become quite a popular villain. Some people are even turning over to the villain side because of me. Imagine if civilians were on our side and not the hero's side." I grinned. "Imagine how the villains would rule. I have a plan to put us in power. However I need some help from you two."

"What kind of help?" Gentle Criminal asked.

I put my elbows on the table, interlocked my fingers and rested my chin on them. "Nothing that you two can't handle. I want you to build me a website. One where I can post videos, pictures, things like that. But I need it so no one can trace it." I paused. "In return, the league of villains will help you with your videos. You can decide who you want in your videos. I am sure having a league of villain members in your videos will help you two to gain views and popularity."

Gentle Criminal and La Brava exchanged looks.

Dabi reached down, put his hand on my thigh, and gently squeezed it.

Gentle Criminal looked at me and nodded. He held his hand out. "You have a deal."

I grinned and clasped his hand. "Wonderful."

I stood in the common room telling the rest of the league about the deal I made with Gentle Criminal and La Brava.

"There is no fucking way I am going to be in one of there videos. Have you seen them?" Shigaraki exasperated.

"I think it would be fun." Twice said.

I glared at Shigaraki. "I don't give a fuck. If they want you in it, you will be in it."

"I won't do it." He crossed his arms.

"Yes you will. I hate to pull this card on you but I am the leader. Your boss. You do as I say."

Shigaraki glared at me.

Dabi took a step closer to me and rested his hand on my lower back.

Shigaraki looked at him and quickly looked away. Finally he nodded. "Yeah whatever."

"Good." I said. "They haven't made any requests yet but I am sure they will when they finish the website."

"I hope they ask me to be in one!" Toga squealed.

I grinned. "I am sure they will."

Dabi followed me out of the room and into ours.

He shut the door behind us. "You are so smart." He commented.

I turned to him. "I guess."

"I think Shigaraki is starting to have a hard time with you telling him what to do."

"I think so too. He-" I got cut off by the sound of my phone ringing in my pocket. "Hold on." I said to Dabi.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I read the name on the screen and my eyes shot to Dabis.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"It's Endeavor." 

Blue Darkness (DabixReader)Where stories live. Discover now