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Megan: Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that this story will not be following all of the MHA lore. Some characters also will be a bit out of character. Anyways thank you for reading!! And remember, GO PLUS ULTRA!

Dabis P.O.V:

"That can't possibly be her." I said to Shigaraki. "I mean, look at her. She doesn't really scream 'I killed my boyfriend'."

Shigaraki and I were leaning on a building that faced the courtyard at a mall. Both of us wearing hoods so people couldn't see our faces.

The girl wore black leggings and boots, and a gray sweater that was probably twice her size. She sat on a bench alone and was hunched over looking at her phone. Her hair casted a shadow across her face.

"Well that's her. You remember the plan right?"

I gave a slight nod and pushed off from the wall.

Y/Ns P.O.V:

I stared down at the newspaper report on my phone and tried to feel something. Anything. But nothing came to me.

"Mind if I sit?" Said a deep voice from in front of me. By the time I looked up the man was already sitting beside me. I kept quiet and looked back at my phone. I closed out of the report. "So what are you doing here alone?" He asked.

I looked over at him. His head was half turned to me. His hood made it hard to see anything on his face except for his piercing blue eyes. I had never seen eyes like that before. "Shopping." I simply replied.

"Are you here with anyone?" He asked.

What does this dude want? Does he know who I am? Thoughts kept racing through my head. "No. I just moved here."

"Ah I see. How long ago did you move here?"

"Two weeks ago."

"Have you made any friends here yet?"

"No." Why is this dude so nosey? I felt darkness play on my fingertips but I quickly pulled back on it.

"Well I was going to head over to a friend's bar if you wanted to accompany me? It's sort of a thing where you need to bring a date and I dont have anyone. Plus you could make friends and I will even pay for all your drinks and food."

I thought about it for a moment. I do just want to have a normal life and this would be something normal. I nodded. "Sure."

He stood up and offered me his hand. The thought of physical contact with someone made me nauseous. I ignored it and stood up.

He put his arm down and said, "It's only about a twenty minute walk."

I nodded and he started walking.

Neither of us really spoke on the walk to the bar. Hopefully his friends at the bar will be more talkative.

"This is the place." He said.

I looked up at the building. It was a plain brick building and it didn't even have a sign. The man must have realized what I was thinking and said, "They are getting a new sign put up later this week. Some drunk threw bottles at the old one and busted it."

I nodded. "Oh alright."

The man pulled open the door and held it open for me. I walked in and he followed me.

The bar was dark and very simple. Only a few booths and stools at the counter.

There were only four people in the bar, not including the man and I. Everyone turned to look at me when I walked in.

A man with blue hair stood up from the bar and strode over to me. "Y/N how wonderful to see you in the flesh!"

My eyes widened. "How do you know my name?" I turned to head to the door when I saw the man that invited me here was leaning against it. His hood was down to reveal black hair. His skin... He had what looked to be staples attached to his skin. Half of the skin on his face was burned. No wonder he hid it.

Darkness once again danced on my fingertips but this time I didn't make it go away.

The man with blue hair noticed the darkness on my fingers and smirked. He looked past me to the man behind me. "And you thought it wasn't her!" He looked back at me.

Two others came to stand next to the man with blue hair. A girl with blond hair and another man in a black and grey suit.

"What do you want with me?"

The guy with blue hair ignored my question. "My name is Shigaraki. I am the leader of the League Of Villains."

Holy shit. I am standing in the middle of a bunch of league members. I heard all about them. Why would they want me though?

Shigaraki continued talking. "This is Toga, and that's Twice." He jerked his thumbs at the two next to him. "Behind you is Dabi and at the bar is Kurogiri."

"Wonderful. May I please go now?"

"You're not going anywhere." Said Dabi from behind me as he took a step towards me.

"Please Dabi let me handle this. Now, we all heard about how you killed your boyfriend. Or should I say ex-boyfriend?"

"I didn't kill him." I said.

"Well then how did he die?"

"I didn't do it."

"Listen Y/N, we aren't mad about you killing him. We are impressed actually. You have quite the quirk and we want you to join us."

The league of villains wants me to join them? I couldn't breathe. I felt the darkness press against my body, begging to be let free. Not now I said into the darkness but it only pushed harder against me in reply.

I glanced around at the people around me. If my darkness accidentally slipped out again and hurt any of them I know they wouldn't hesitate to kill me.

"Will you join us?" Asked Shigaraki.

"I am not like you." I warned him.

"Of course you are. You did kill your boyfriend."

"I didn't kill him." I said or whispered I can't tell the difference. The room started to spin and all of a sudden instead of three people in front of me there were now six.

"She doesn't look so good." I heard someone say but they sounded distant.

I looked down at my hand and saw it was encased in my darkness. I swayed on my feet and felt myself start to fall. Someone grabbed me by the armpit to keep me from falling.

"What's happening to her?"

"I don't know."

The voices sounded like I was underwater. This can't be happening. My head slumped to the side and the room went completely dark. 

Megan (Author): If you are enjoying the story don't forget to vote and comment!! Thank you for reading! I truly appreciate it. ❤️❤️❤️

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