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Y/N's P.O.V:

I strapped my goggles to my head and took a deep breath. I told everyone that I can do what they need me to even though I might not actually be able to. I have done something like this before but it really fucked me up. Hopefully there won't be more than a few people that I have to cover with my darkness.

I left my room and met up with everyone at the little garage in the warehouse. We all piled into a black car.

Kurogiri was driving and Shigaraki was in the passenger seat. I sat in the middle of the back seat. The back seat was only meant for three people but there were four of us. I sat squished in between Dabi and Twice. It was impossible for me not to be touching them. I clenched my teeth together and my hands were in fists in my lap. Just a few minutes Y/N. You will be fine. I thought to myself.

Everyone in the car was talking and laughing plus the music was blasting.

I felt Dabi gently elbow me. I looked at him. He looked from my fists to my face and gave me a questioning look. I normally wouldn't have said anything but it was loud in here and I knew no one was paying attention to me or Dabi. "I don't like people touching me." I said quietly.

He frowned slightly and looked away. He moved his arm so his shoulder and bicep weren't touching me anymore. From our hips down we were touching though. But I know it's because there was nothing he could do about that.

We pulled up near the lighthouse. The sun was starting to set. "Does everyone know the plan?" Asked Shigaraki.

"Yes." We all said.

"Alright let's go."

We all got out of the car and boy what a relief it was to not be touching anyone anymore.

We all stopped and crouched behind a large bush. There were two men standing guard outside.

"Y/N you need to go in first to cover them in darkness." Said Shigaraki. "Once we see it we will follow you in."

"No. I can stay out here and just cover the whole thing with it. It's easier for me to do it that way."

Shigaraki stared at me for a long moment. I didn't break eye contact with him. "Fine."

I stood up. I lifted my chin and took a deep breath. I shot out my hands and darkness swallowed up the lighthouse. "Go." I gritted out through my teeth. This was harder than I remember it being last time.

Everyone stood up and ran towards the light house. I created pockets of light inside the darkness for each of them so they could see at least six feet around them. They all better hurry up because this is taking so much out of me. Why did this damn lighthouse have to be so big?

Dabis P.O.V:

I could only see a few feet in front of me.

"I don't know where they are hiding it so all of us need to split up." Said Shigaraki.

Twice and I headed up to the top floor to search and the others took the lower two levels. I took out four men on the way up.

After five minutes I heard Toga yell "Found it!"

I headed down to the bottom level. Is the darkness getting lighter? It definitely is. It's more of a dark gray haze now. Is Y/N okay? I pushed the thought of her out of my head. I need to stop thinking about her.

I found the others standing around Toga holding a metal case filled with five vials of the booster. "Perfect. Let's blow this place." Said Twice.

We exited the lighthouse and headed to the car. Y/N was still standing behind the bush with her arms extended. She didn't even look at us as we ran over.

"Y/N you can stop now." Said Shigarki.

She slowly looked over at us. Something was definitely wrong. Her eyes were glazed over.

I stepped closer to her. "Y/N stop."

The darkness around the lighthouse faded. Y/N blinked and looked at me. Her eyelids keep closing as if they were heavy. She swayed on her feet and almost fell. I reached out to catch her so she wouldn't hit the ground but she caught herself. She held out a shaky hand to me. "Don't touch me." Her words were so slurred and she was breathing so heavily. Her legs gave out. I grabbed her before she smashed her knees into the dirt. Her head fell to the side and her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open.

"This stupid girl." Said Toga.

I picked up Y/N bridal style. "Let's go." I said to the others.

Once we got in the car, Y/N was sitting next to the window and me this time. Kurogiri started driving.

"I can't believe she told us she could do it." Said Shigaraki.

"She's so pretty but so stupid." Said Toga.

"Will she be okay?" Asked Kurogiri.

"She seems fine. I think it just drained her." Said Twice.

I clenched my teeth together. I felt anger raging in my veins. I was angry at the others for talking shit about her and angry with her for being stupid.

Y/Ns head slumped to the side so it was resting on my shoulder. I didn't move her.

When we got back to the warehouse Twice was the one who picked her up and carried her into her room.

I went into my room and sat on the bed. I cannot believe Y/N would do that when she probably knew what it would do to her. Guess it shows how much she is willing to do for the league but still. 

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