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I got into my suit and looked at myself in the mirror. I tried to imagine myself as a hero looking like this but it didn't really work.

My parents always said that my quirk was a villain quirk. They said that I acted like a villain too.

Maybe in another life I would be a hero. I don't want to be a hero though. Heroes are irritating. Well, some of them. The teachers at UA aren't like the normal heroes. The heroes out on the streets nowadays are all about attention. They don't care about saving people.

I laced up my boots. I left the goggles, I didn't need them.

I slipped my hero license into my suits almost invisible pocket on the thigh and headed out the door.

Kurogiri dropped me off a few blocks away from the building so I had to walk the rest of the way.

When I entered the town hall building I had to give some man at the front desk my hero license. He looked me up and down and buzzed me into the front hall.

It was a giant room with a bunch of heroes in it. I spotted so many that I knew. I knew many of their strengths and weaknesses and their true identities. Elijah always put in so much effort to teach us all about the heroes.

I felt a soft tap on my thigh. I looked down. Nezu was smiling at me. "Hello!" He said kindly.

I gave him a smile back. "It's good to see you." I said.

"I didn't know you were coming."

"All Might invited me."

"Of course he did." Nezu laughed. "He is such a kind hero."

"Yes he is."

"The meeting will start soon. We are just waiting for everyone to arrive."


"Well I better go look and make sure the rest of the UA staff is here." Nezu walked off.

I looked around the room and noticed a table with water on it. As I made my way toward the table I noticed a fish looking man talking to a group of heroes. I started to contemplate how a fish dude was able to be out of water when I ran into something. I quickly stepped back and looked at the man in front of me. Endeavor. Shit. Well, there goes staying low.

"Sorry." I said.

He stared at me for a moment. "Who are you?"


"Is that your hero name?"


"What's your hero name and your agency?"

"I don't have an agency or a hero name. I was a hero in America and the name there doesn't translate well here."

"How did you know about the meeting?"
"I was invited by All Might. Are you done with the interrogation yet?" I asked, annoyed.

His frown deepened. He looked at me a moment longer before walking away. I stuck my tongue out at his back.

"Y/N." Said someone from beside me.

"Hey Aizawa."

"It's Eraserhead tonight."

"Oh. Sorry."

"No worries. What did Endeavor want?"

"I accidentally ran into him and he is being an asshole." I made the last word louder.

"That's just how he is but he ranks above you so you need to be more respectful."

I rolled my eyes. "That's bullshit."

Blue Darkness (DabixReader)Where stories live. Discover now