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I was bombarded with reporters when I got to Endeavors agency. Shigaraki told me to expect it. Apparently they have been staking out for the past few weeks in the chance that they would see me.

People were shoving microphones into my face and cameras were flashing. People saying 'Epitome' over and over again.

I turned to one of the microphones. A tall lanky man was holding it. "Epitome, what exactly happened on that roof a month ago?"

I cleared my throat. "Endeavor was busy with meetings and I insisted on going on patrol on my own." The lie came easy. "Endeavor gave me an ear piece to call for backup but I didn't. I ran into a villain with a metal bending quirk. He molded them into blades and had poison on them. He cut me a couple times and I was poisoned." I gave a cold smile to the camera. "But I am still alive and he's in prison. So to all you villains out there thinking about trying to kill me, try me. Test and see if you'll live. I guarantee you won't." I winked at the camera and walked past them. People kept trying to get me to answer more questions but I pushed past them and walked into the building.

"Guess who's back!" I exclaimed as I strolled into the office.

Endeavors face lit up. He stood up and came over to me. He wrapped his arms around me. "I am so happy to see you." He said.

I hugged him back and laughed. "It's good to see you too."

He pulled away and looked at me. His eyes lingered on the scar on my face and my arm.

"Is my suit fixed?" I asked, trying to avert his attention from my scars.

"Yes," He pointed behind me at my desk. "It was done a while ago."

I saw my suit folded neatly on top of my desk. "Thank you."

He nodded. "So I am assuming you are feeling better?"

"Yes. I am back to normal."

He nodded. "Good."

I put my hand on his arm. "I put out a statement about the incident. I know you were getting backlash so I figured it would help."

"What did you say?"

"Why would you say that?" Said Endeavor irritated.

I was leaning over his shoulder watching my statement that I made earlier. It was posted online really fast. I looked so badass.

I straightened and he swiveled his desk chair to face me, his eyebrows raised. Sitting down, he was almost as tall as me. "Why the hell would you say that? You are going to have villains coming after you now!"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "No they won't."

"And how do you know that?"

Because my boyfriend is Dabi. "Because they won't." I said.

"You are usually smart but this was stupid Y/N."

I shrugged. "Oh well."

He turned his chair back around and rested his forehead against his fist. He was clearly trying not to scream at me.

"Don't worry about it. I promise it will be fine."

He didn't say anything.

I walked over to my desk and was about to sit down when he finally spoke, "We need to go out. I just got word that there were villains spotted three blocks away."

I nodded. "Let's go."

When I got to the warehouse I heard voices coming from the common room.

"Hey." I said when I walked into the room.

Everyone turned to look at me.

Dabi smiled and walked over to me. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and held my hand. "Hi." He said.

"That statement was quite bold." Said Shigaraki.

I shrugged. "I needed to say something to make the civilians feel safe."

He nodded. "You do know that there are villains that don't know that you are in the league right? They might come after you."

"Let them. I am not scared."

Shigaraki and Dabi exchanged a look.

"They will try and kill you."

I let go of Dabis hand and crossed my arms. "Do I need to remind you that someone already tried to kill me and I lived? I am not helpless. I will be fine." I turned around and left the room. I went into my room and stripped off my suit. I hopped in the shower.

When I got out of the bathroom Dabi was sitting on the bed facing the bathroom door. "You do understand why we are all concerned right?"

"Yeah, yeah." I waved my hand.


I cut him off. "It will be fine."

He shut his mouth.

"Anyways, the villain get together is this weekend." I said, changing the subject.

He nodded. "It is."

"Are you excited?"

"I am only excited for one thing."

"Which is?"

He smirked. "Being able to flaunt that you are my girlfriend."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "I figured you would have said booze."

"Well, I am excited for that too."

"You better not get jealous drunk."

He grinned. "No promises."

I walked over to him and leaned down. I pressed a ghost of a kiss on his lips. One where our lips barely touch. "Do you know what I am excited for?" I asked against his lips.

His bright blue eyes bore into my own, sending a chill down my spine. "What?"

I straightened. "Looking hot in my dress."

He reached out and put his hands on my waist. "I am excited for that too."

I smiled.

His hands fell from my waist as he stood up. "I am going to go down to the training room if you would like to join me?"

"I just showered."

He nodded. "I will see you later then." He pressed a quick kiss to my temple and left the room. 

Blue Darkness (DabixReader)Where stories live. Discover now