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When I walked into the common room everyone stood up. It looked to me like everyone was waiting for me. They all walked over to me. Dabi pressed a quick kiss to my temple and I gave him a small smile.

"What an interview!" Exclaimed Shigaraki. "That man was a complete ass but you and Endeavor were great!"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?"

"Well the way you shut that interviewer down was amazing! And the way Endeavor defended you was also quite amazing."

"You might think so but the public probably doesn't think it was amazing."

"Have you checked online?" He smiled.

"No. Is there stuff about it already?"

"Oh yeah." Shigaraki said.

"You were so amazing Y/N!" interrupted Toga. "So many women are talking about it online and they all love you!"


Toga smiled. "Really!"

"People are also talking about Endeavor and how he defended you." Said Twice. "They think you and Endeavor make a perfect team!"

"Well that's good then." I looked at Toga. "Do you want to go shopping in an hour?"

She smiled. "Yes!"

"I am going to go get ready." I left the room and went into my own.

Toga and I wore wigs and makeup to disguise ourselves. Usually only she would need to but because I am now a public figure I decided to as well.

I drove us to the mall.

As we walked into the mall I looked at Toga. "Did you bring money?"

She dug in her pocket and pulled out Shigarakis' league of villains debit card and smiled. "Yup."

"Did he give that to you or did you take it?"

"Took it duh."

We laughed.

We went into a few clothing stores and both of us bought a few things.

As we walked the mall we talked.

"It used to suck being the only girl in the league." Toga said.

"I know how that feels." I spotted a lingerie store. "Do you want to go in there?" I pointed at the store.


We walked into the store.

"Aww look at this one! It's so cute!" Toga pointed to a light pink set that was on a mannequin.

As we started to explore the store Toga spoke. "So you and Dabi huh?"

I smiled. "Yeah."

"I am kind of surprised."

"What do you mean?"

She looked at me. "Have you met him?"

I laughed. "Yes I have. I know he usually is pretty cold towards everyone but he's not like that to me."

"I see. Well you two look so cute together! If you were a public villain couple everyone would envy you two!"

I smiled. "Thanks."

"So is the reason you wanted to come in here is to get something for Dabi? Wait a second.... If you were here looking for lingerie to wear for him then that would mean...... Oh my god! Have you two.. Ya know?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

I laughed. "Maybe."

"Well then let's find something. I will help you!"

We found a really nice black lacy set. I bought it along with some plain pairs of underwear.

We left the store and continued to walk around the mall.

"So do you have a crush?" I asked Toga.

"Hmmm. No. But I do find someone attractive. Well, a few people."


She blushed. "That is classified information Y/N."

"Ah I see." I grinned at her.

We got back to the warehouse and I dropped off all my stuff in my room except for the lingerie. I grabbed the bag it was in and walked to Dabis' room.

I opened the door and walked in. Dabi was laying on his back on his bed looking at his phone. He looked over at me and smiled. He sat up. "Your back."

"Yeah. What are you doing?" I closed the door behind me and walked over to him.

"I was just looking at some news reports about you."


"Cause they all had pictures of you and you look hot as fuck."

I leaned down and kissed him. "Well thank you." I straightened.

Dabis eyes caught on the bag I was holding and he jerked his chin at it. "What's that?"

I smiled and held it out at him. "A surprise for you."

He took the bag and I sat down next to him. He pulled out the lacy bra and held it up. He stared at it a moment before looking at me. "This better not be for me to wear."

I burst out laughing and playfully pushed him. "Of course it's not!"

He smiled and pulled out the matching underwear. "Good. I think you would pull it off better than I would anyways."


He looked over the pieces then looked at me. "These are pretty sexy."

"That's why I got them." I laughed.

"Do you want to model them for me?" He asked.

"I would but I have an interview tomorrow morning and it's getting late."

"Wow. You are such a tease." He grinned at me.

I winked at him. "I know." I kissed his cheek. "I promise I will model them for you soon. I need to go shower and go to bed."

"Okay." He pressed a kiss to my lips. "I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too. Good night."

"Good night."

I laid in my bed and turned on my phone. I went online to look for news reports about me. I wanted to read them for myself.

All the reports were pretty positive about me.

I even found a video of Mt. lady talking about me. I pressed play.

Mt. Lady was standing outside and someone was holding a mic in front of her.

"Mt. lady, have you seen the interview with Endeavors new sidekick Epitome? What do you think about it?"

She smiled. "I think she is wonderful! She is definitely a strong hero and I hope to meet her soon! I one hundred percent agree with what she said in the interview. As a fellow female hero I have been asked the same shameful question thousands of times. It was about time someone stood up for us!"

"Thank you for your answer." Said the interviewer. The camera turned to the woman holding the microphone. "You heard it here folks! Epitome is definitely something special! It makes us all wonder what the future holds for her!"

The video ended.

If only they knew who I really was.

Blue Darkness (DabixReader)Where stories live. Discover now