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Elijah stood in the middle of a few of his men. I recognized some of them but not all. He must have got some new recruits. Sam and Noah were among the men.

Elijah wore his typical clothing. A black t-shirt, pants, and a leather jacket. His short black hair was perfectly in place.

He smiled at me as he slowly looked me up and down. "Hello Y/N. It's great to see you again." He took a step toward me and Dabi stepped slightly in front of me.

"Don't come near her." Dabi growled.

Elijas eyes slid to Dabi. "I see you have yourself an attack dog Y/N." His eyes were back on me.

"And I see you have some new minions." I walked over to one of the new men. I stood so close to him. Fear shone in the man's eyes. I slid my pointer finger down his chest.

"Yes well I had to make up for losing such a powerful person. I would prefer you don't touch them please." He said annoyed.

I rolled my eyes and stepped away from the man. "You always hated people touching your play things." I walked so I was right in front of Elijah. "Except for me. You didn't care who touched me did you?"

"That's not true." Said Elijah.

I walked back so I was in between Shigaraki and Dabi. "What did you want to meet Shigaraki for?" I asked, my voice hard.

He looked at Shigaraki and grinned. "What, is the leader of the league of villains not able to speak?"

"I can speak perfectly fine." Said Shigaraki from beside me. "What do you want?"

"I want you to give Y/N to me."


Elijah snapped his fingers and a man from the back stepped forward with a large black suitcase. The man stood in front of Shigaraki. He unzipped the suitcase and held it open. Stacks of money filled the suitcase. "All of that could be yours." Started Elijah. "All you have to do is give Y/N to me."

Shigaraki smiled. "You really think we would give away Y/N?" He laughed.

"It's not giving her away. You would get all the money in the suitcase." Elijah did not look amused.

"We don't need money." Said Shigaraki. "Now leave us alone unless you want all your men to die."

Elijah looked at me. "Don't waste your quirk on a shit villain group like this." He said. "You could do so much more with me."

"Will you just shut up Elijah?" I said annoyed. "You are wasting time that I could be fucking my boytoy right now." I turned my head and looked at Dabi for a second.

Elijah's eyes caught on my neck and he stiffened.

"Now, stop trying to get me back. I don't want you. I don't love you so fuck off." I said fiercely.

"Y/N, please." Said Elijah softly.

I rolled my eyes. "You're pathetic." I turned around to walk away when Elijah lunged for me. Shigaraki grabbed my upper arm and pulled me to him. He wrapped one of his arms around my stomach and held up his other hand.

"You know what my quirk does, don't you?" Asked Shigaraki. "Let us leave or I will kill her."

"You wouldn't." Said Elijah.

"Oh wouldn't I?" He slowly moved his other hand toward me.

I put a look of fear on my face. I looked at Elijah with wide eyes. "Elijah please." I begged.

He took a few steps back and held up his hands. "Fine. Just don't hurt her."

Shigaraki let go of me. I smirked at Elijah and his eyes grew wide. I threw up a wall of darkness that Elijah and his men wouldn't be able to get through.

We turned and ran.

Some of the league members dispersed and went to their own places to stay. However a few of them stayed in the extra rooms in the warehouse.

Shigaraki had apologized for what he had to do earlier. I forgave him of course. I knew he had to do something.

Dabi followed me into my room and he shut the door behind us.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

"I am fine." I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I peeled off my suit and got in the shower.

The meeting with Elijah went better than I expected to be honest. I was expecting there to be a big fight but thankfully I was able to keep it under control.

I hated the mask that I had to put on. I am so good at playing different roles and it honestly scares me. I am upset that Dabi had to see it. I know he has probably seen worse from others but I never wanted him to see that. I never wanted to be like that.

I got out of the shower and put on a pair of black shorts and a baggy black sweatshirt.

I opened the door and stepped into my room. Dabi was sitting with his legs stretched out in front of him on my bed. "I made you a sandwich." He said and pointed at my desk.

I looked back and forth between Dabi and the sandwich before bursting out laughing.

"What?" He asked.

I caught my breath. "It's just funny."


I walked over to my desk and picked up the plate.

Dabi moved over to make room for me on my bed and I sat down next to him. I balanced the plate on my knee and took a bite.

"Is it okay?" He asked.

I nodded.


Dabi somehow knew exactly what I needed. He made me laugh and made me food. My chest felt warm with the thought.

As I ate, Dabi talked. He talked about things he liked and didn't like, what the other league members liked and didn't like, random facts about himself and others. I know he was just trying to fill the silence. He knew I didn't want silence. How he knew, I have no idea

When I finished eating Dabi took the plate from me and put it on my desk. He walked over to my door and opened his mouth to speak but I spoke first.

"Can you stay here?"

He blinked and then nodded. He turned the lights off and crawled into bed next to me. I laid down and he pulled the blankets over me.

We laid facing each other. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Are you going to UA tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah. I have to quit."

"Right. I forgot about that."

"At least I get paid more with Endeavor."


I was quiet for a minute. "How am I going to be a hero?"

"Well you played being a mega villain today so I think you will be okay." He gave me a small smile.

"Yeah but I have never pretended to be a hero before. I mean with UA and the hero meeting yeah, but I have never been a hero out saving civilians. I don't know how to do that."

"Just follow Endeavor's lead." He said.

"I suppose."

"Do you think other villains that know you, such as Elijah and his men would rat you out?"

"No. They know that the heroes would probably kill me or something if they found out. Plus I think collectively villains would be too happy that another villain was able to fool all the heroes and become a sidekick. I also think that because of that fact they would be too scared to cross me."

Dabi smirked. "My girlfriend is so badass."

I smiled. "She is, isn't she?"

Dabi kissed my cheek. "Definitely." 

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