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Megan: Hello everyone! I am the author! I just wanted to let you know that later in the chapter I have pictures of dresses that Toga and Y/N wear. Of course in you can change them if you want! It just helped me to better visualize when I was writing. Anyways enjoy! :)

Dabis P.O.V:

"He what?" I yelled.

"Keep your voice down. I am just as mad as you are." Shigaraki said in a hushed voice.

When I came into the common room after going for patrol Shigaraki had told me what Y/N told them.

"I cant believe that asshole would try to get her back." I balled my hands into fists.

"I know. We will probably need to have at least one of us going with Y/N everytime she leaves the warehouse. She said they wouldn't hurt her but if Elijah becomes desperate, who knows."

I nodded in agreement.

Shigaraki stared at me.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

The corner of his mouth turned upward. "Have you fallen for Y/N?"

"What?" I asked.

"You seem to care quite a bit about her." He said.

"Well so do you!"

"Yes but not in the way you care for her." He let out a breath. "Anyways I am going to sleep now." He walked past me and left the room.

I haven't fallen for her, Have I?

Y/N's P.O.V:

I pulled on a pair of shorts and shirt. My hair was wrapped up in a towel. It was four o'clock at night. The party started at seven but it would take a little over an hour to get there.

I grabbed the bags I had by the door with my dress and shoes and headed to Togas room.

Twice was in the hallway and smiled at me. "You better not be looking like that at the party!" He laughed.

I frowned. "Do I not look good?"

We both laughed. The door to Toga's room opened and she popped her head out. "Come on Y/N we need to hurry."

"We still have an hour and a half to get ready." I stated.


I smiled and shook my head. "See ya on the other side." I said to Twice.

Toga's room was similar to mine. However hers was covered in girly crap everywhere. Plushies littered her bed, makeup all over her desk, and a bunch of romance mangas on a pink rug next to her bed.

"Ok we need to get our dresses on first, then do our hair, then makeup and get our shoes on."

I nodded. I pulled my dress out of the bag and showed it to Toga. "Do you like it?"

Her eyes got big. "That dress is going to look so good on you!"

"Thanks." I walked into her bathroom and quickly put on the dress. I took my hair out of the towel.

I stared at myself in the mirror and smiled. My dress fits like a glove. I tried it on in the store but it looked better on me then I remember.

I left the bathroom and found Toga in her dress. She was wearing a really pretty red dress. "Wow I love your dress!" I said to her.

"Same to you! You look hot as fuck."

I laughed. "Thanks."

"Ok now we need to do our hair!"

Blue Darkness (DabixReader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora