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I walked into the bar Iris had told me to meet her at.

I was hoping to go to the league's warehouse tonight but Iris wanted to meet with me.

It's been around two weeks since I last saw the league. I haven't had time to go see them. Today was the first day I was able to but Iris wanted to see me and honestly, I was curious as to why.

I looked around me. It was a pretty small bar, tucked away in between two larger buildings. There were a few booths, a few stools at the bar, and a hallway in the back that looked like it led to some bathrooms.

I spotted Iris sitting at the bar. I walked over to her.

She turned and flashed a flirtatious smile at me. "Hey!" She wore a flowy purple blouse that complemented her deep brown skin. She looked just as beautiful now as she did when I first saw her. How anyone could be that pretty, I have no idea.

I sat on the stool next to her. "Hi. So what did you want?"

Her smile faded. "Getting straight to the point?"

"It's odd for anyone to want to meet me unless they want something."

She stared at me for a moment. "I see. I just figured you could use a friend who understands."

I narrowed my eyes. "What do you mean?"

The bartender set down a glass in front of Iris. He walked away and she took a sip. She looked around us before leaning toward me. "I have a quirk that's like yours. Powerful and useful. One others would love to get their hands on." She leaned back and took another drink.

"What are you talking about?"

She looked at me out of the corner of her eye. "You and I are very much alike."

What is she talking about? She has never even seen my quirk.

"I don't need to see it."

My eyes widened. "You have a mind reading quirk." I said quietly.

She looked at me and flashed a white smile. "Yes I do. Not just that though. I can see your whole life. Your memories, feelings, everything."

"Don't use it on me." I said.

"Too late. I did it the night we met. Elijah is one fucked up individual."

"No! Really? I didn't know that." I said sarcastically. "What do you want?"
"I just thought you could use a friend who understands what it's like to have a quirk others want. Maybe I could even help you out."

"Help me how?"

"My quirk isn't very good for combat like yours, but maybe it could be useful. If not, we could still just be friends." She took a drink.

"Why would you want to help me?"

"It's okay to ask for help sometimes."

"I know that."

She gave me a long look. "Do you really?"

"Yes." I said annoyed.

"You realize you can't lie to me right? I can literally see if you're lying or not."

I looked away.

Iris choked out a laugh. "Fine, don't ask me for help."

I stood up to leave when she spoke again.

"He really loves you, you know."

I stopped and looked at her. "Who?"

She lowered her voice. "The one with burns."

Blue Darkness (DabixReader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ