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 "Remember to just be calm and casual during the interview." Endeavor said from beside me. We were in a car on our way to the news station. Of course the first interview would be the one that was on tv.

"I know." I responded. "What channel is it going to be on?" I asked.


"Okay." I pulled out my phone and opened my messages. I texted Shigaraki, who I changed his name in my phone to Manicure. I texted him the channel number.

I had to change everyone's name in my phone just in case one of them texted me while I was around heroes.

Dabis was now Boyfriend with a black heart after it.

Togas was now Hello Kitty.

Twice was now Twilight.

The group chat was now Besties with a strand of random emojis after it.

We pulled up to the news station. A short woman came rushing out of the building.

Endeavor and I got out of the car and the driver went to park the car.

"You must be Epitome! It's wonderful to finally meet you!" Said a short woman excitedly.

I smiled. "It's nice to meet you too."

"And hello to you too, Endeavor." The woman tried to smile at him but it looked more like a wince.

He gave her a small nod and she quickly looked back at me. "I am the assistant for Mr. Elrod. I will be taking you two where you need to go."

I gave her another smile. "Alright."

She led us into the building.

We got to the set where the interview would be filmed. There were cameras facing the set everywhere and lots of bright lights.

The woman turned to me and whispered. "I just want to give you a heads up that Mr. Elrod is a bit.... Well, he believes that women belong at home."

"Oh okay."

A skinny man with brown hair came strutting toward us. He flashed us a large grin. "Ah Endeavor and Epitome. It's wonderful to have you here today!"

"Thank you for having us." I smiled at him.

"Follow me." He walked over to the chairs on the set and Endeavor and I followed him.

There were three chairs set up. Two on the right side and one on the left. The two chairs were separated from the one chair with a little table with a bouquet of flowers on it. "Epitome you will sit here." He pointed to the chair next to the table. "And you, Endeavor, will sit next to her." He took a seat on the other side of the table.

"I didn't realize I was part of this." Endeavor said.

"Well she is your sidekick."

Endeavor sat down next to me.

The short woman came over to us. "Can I have your phones please?"

Endeavor and I handed her our phones. She walked away. About thirty seconds later she reappeared with a black case with a handle. She set it on the floor next to Mr. Elrod. She opened it and pulled out makeup. She began to dab powder onto his face.

When she was done she cleaned her stuff up and walked off the set.

Mr. Elrod looked at us. "Are you guys ready?"


"We are live in three, two," The cameraman pointed at him.

Mr. Elrod smiled at the camera. "Hello Musutafu! Today we have two very special guests! Endeavor and his new sidekick Epitome!"

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