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Dabis P.O.V:

I woke up with my back and neck in pain. We all had to sleep on concrete last night so that would explain that.

I sat up and instantly realized Y/N wasn't next to me. I looked around to see everyone except for Sam asleep. Sam stared at a spot on the floor. Something was wrong.

"Where is Y/N?" I asked.

He didn't look at me.

"Sam, where is Y/N?"

He shook his head.

I stood up and walked over to him. "God dammit Sam! Where is she?" Panic flooded me.

He remained sitting on the floor. The others began stirring.

I grabbed the collar of Sam's shirt and pulled him up. He was almost as tall as me. "Where is she?" I asked angrily.

"What's going on?" Asked Shigaraki.

"Why don't you ask Sam." I said through gritted teeth. I took a step back from Sam and looked behind me. Everyone was awake and standing.

Shigaraki walked up next to me. "Where is she?"

"I don't know exactly. Yesterday when she went to get blankets.... She found a note from Elijah."

"He's dead." I said.

"No he isn't. I think he was the one who blew up the warehouse. I read the note and he said if she wanted to keep you all safe she would work for him."

"Why the fuck didn't you say anything?" I yelled.

"Because she told me not to."

"That's a shit reason." I said through gritted teeth.

"Do you know where she went?" Asked Shigaraki.

Sam shook his head. "I didn't see the address."

Flames erupted on my hands. I couldn't hold back my anger anymore. This fucking idiot let my girlfriend put herself in danger. I am going to fucking kill him.

I went to walk forward when Shigaraki pulled me back. "We need him."

I glared at Sam, his eyes wide.

The flames disappeared. "Why do we need him?"

"Because he knows Elijah better than any of us."

I resisted the urge to rip out Sam's throat.

"She is like my sister." Sam said quietly. "I care about her too but I know I can't stand in her way. I trust her and you should too."

"I won't trust my future wife when she is trying to get herself killed." I spat. I turned and stormed away. I can't be around these idiots right now.

I pulled out my phone and called her. It went right to voicemail meaning she had her phone turned off, or destroyed. I kicked the crate that was closest to me.

How can she do this?

Y/N's P.O.V:

Elijah's men let go of my arms once they led me into a room. The room was empty except for a wooden desk and a chair. The chair was facing away from me so I couldn't see if anyone was sitting in it. But I knew someone was.

The address had been a small house in a random neighborhood right on the edge of the city.

"I am happy that you came back to me Y/N." Said Elijah. "It was quite rude of you and your friends to blow up my building."

"Well you got us back so we are even." I said to the back of the chair.

"The league and I are only even when you submit to me."

"How did you survive?" I asked.

"One of my men took the bomb and ran into a different room. He died but he saved me."

"But the rest of the warehouse-"

He cut me off. "I never said I was untouched."

So that's why he isn't showing me him.

The chair slowly turned around and my eyes widened.

Elijah was... unrecognizable. His face was all burnt and patches of his hair were missing. His burns looked nothing like Dabis. His skin was shiny and pulled tight to his face, distorting his features. He barely had eyelids. His eyelashes and eyebrows, gone.

"This is what your friends did to me. This is what they did to the person who took care of you for years. You let them." He stood up and walked over to me.

I tried to not look like I was disgusted by him.

He gripped my chin and forced me to look at him. "I won't hurt any of the league if you work for me again." He let go of my chin and toyed with my hair. "Will you work for me?"

I took a deep breath and dropped to one knee. "You have my word."

"Good. I have clothes and things for you in your room. You will be living here with me from now on."

"Okay." I said.

"Stand up and follow me."

I followed him through the house. We were on the second floor of the house. There were only a few rooms up here including the one we were just in.

He opened a door and I walked past him into the room.

"This is your room. Mine is across the hall. There is a bathroom through there," He pointed to a door in my room. "Remember, if you try anything you can consider all the league members dead. I will let you settle in." He shut the door.

I waited to move until I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore.

I looked around the room and tried to ignore the aching in my chest.

There was a queen size bed in the middle of the room with light gray bedding. A small white table was next to the bed. On Top of the table was a vase filled with white roses. There was a medium sized wardrobe across from the bed. I opened it to find it full of clothes in my size.

I went into the bathroom to find it stocked with necessities.

Elijah always did take good care of me in the sense of making sure I had what I needed.

I went back into the bedroom and sat on the bed. I reached up and wrapped my fingers around my necklace.

I didn't want to come back to Elijah but I know he was serious about killing every single member of the league if I didn't come back.

They already lost their home because of me. They weren't about to lose each other. I care about them all too much to let that happen.

Maybe I was never meant to be with the league. Maybe I was always meant to work with Elijah. I was an idiot for thinking I could do anything besides work for him.

My thoughts fluttered to Dabi. I can only imagine how he feels when he wakes up and finds that I am gone. I really didn't want to hurt him but this is the only way I can protect him.

Dabis P.O.V:

I am going to kill her. I love her but how can she just leave us? How can she leave me?

"We should look for her." Toga's voice brought me from my thoughts.

"As much as I hate to say it, maybe we shouldn't. What if she has a plan to kill him?"

"Then she would have told us." I spat.

"Or maybe she wouldn't." Interjected Sam. "I have known her longer than any of you. She used to be very secretive and never really told people much. It's possible that she has a plan."

"I guess we'll just have to wait. Maybe she will contact us." Said Shigaraki.

I scoffed and dropped down from the crate. I stalked away from everyone. If she had a plan she would have told me. Right? 

Blue Darkness (DabixReader)Where stories live. Discover now