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It's been about three weeks since I started training with Endeavor. He can get pretty strict with training but overall he's okay. Although both of us are super stubborn and want things done our own ways so that can lead to some arguing on how to do things. But that only really happened at the beginning. Now we work decently together and we are getting better at using our quirks together.

There haven't been any updates about Elijah yet. Crime has been quiet lately. I am hoping that Elijah has given up on looking for me.

I walked into Endeavor's office. He has gotten used to me not knocking and doesn't mind it anymore. Well, at least he doesn't act like it.

I stopped in my tracks. There was a chair on the other side of his desk. I kept mentioning how he didn't have a chair for anyone to sit in. I guess he got tired of me talking about it.

I took a seat in the chair and smiled at him.

He placed a piece of paper on the desk and slid it toward me along with a pen. "I have decided that I officially want you as my sidekick. This is the contract. If you sign it, then you will be my sidekick. If you decide that you don't want to be then you don't have to sign it. But I think that you will make a great sidekick."

"That's the nicest thing I have ever heard you say to anyone."

He rolled his eyes. "Don't make me regret this."

"If I sign it then what about my job at UA?"

"You will probably have to quit." He said.

I nodded. I picked up the pen. "I will be your sidekick."

He gave me a small nod and I signed the paper. I slid it over to him and he gave me a small smile. The first one I have ever seen from him.

"Now, have you figured out a hero name?"

I shook my head. I haven't thought about my hero name to be honest.

"Well you will need to think of one. Your suit that you have will work fine so we don't need to worry about that. Once you have a hero name you and I will have to introduce you to the public as my sidekick. You are probably going to have to do some interviews for the press."

"Why can't I just do hero stuff? Why interviews?"

"Well you will do hero stuff first and then the press will want to interview you and then the public will watch or read those interviews. Being a hero involves quite a bit of public things like that. Was it not the same in America?"

"No it wasn't."

"I see. Well I am sure you will do fine."


"Well go home and come back on Thursday for your first day as my sidekick. Don't forget to come up with your hero name."

I nodded. "See you then." I got up and left.

Dabi was nowhere to be found in the common area or his room. I wanted to tell Dabi first but because I couldn't find him, I headed to Shigarakis office to tell him the news.

When I walked in, Shigaraki was sitting at his desk. Dabi was standing next to him. His knuckles white from gripping the edge of the desk. I noticed they were staring down at a small piece of paper. Neither of them looked up at me as I walked over and snatched the paper off of the desk. When I looked at the paper my heart stopped. No. It can't be.

The note read, "I know you have her. Give her back or else. Meet me at the park near the lake at midnight."

I put the paper back on the desk. Shigaraki and Dabi were staring at me.

Blue Darkness (DabixReader)Where stories live. Discover now