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Dabis P.O.V:

I woke up to sunlight filtering into my bedroom from the window. I sat up, pain rushing through my head.

When the pain subsided I suddenly remembered what happened last night. My heart raced. I went to get out of bed when I noticed I wasn't alone.

Shigaraki was sitting on my desk chair facing my bed. He looked upset and lost in thought, staring at the floor.

"Where is she?" I asked. My voice sounded like sandpaper.

Shigarki looked at me.

"Where is she?" I asked again.

Shigaraki shook his head and looked away.

"God damn it Shigaraki! Where is she?" I stood up but got extremely dizzy and had to sit back down on the bed.

"They took her." He said quietly.

My heart stopped beating. No. They couldn't have. "What?" I breathed.

"They shot her with the same thing you were shot with. It made you get knocked out. Dr. Kyudai Garaki didn't even need to heal you because the bullet dissolved. He said that the bullet was made for well....." His voice trailed off.

"Just fucking tell me Shigaraki!"

"The bullet was made to take away someone's quirk."

I stared at him for a moment. I held out my hand and tried to summon some flames but.... None came. I felt like I was shot all over again.

Shigaraki continued, "After they shot you, they must have shot Y/N. She got knocked out and they took her. We got there just as they were leaving."

"We have to get her back." I said.

"I know. Problem is that we have no idea where she could be. There is a reason why we never heard of Elijah and his doings until recently. He is very private with everything. There is no telling where she is."

"Well we will fucking find her!"

"We can try."

I ground my teeth together. "No, we will find her. I will not lose the love of my life!" I yelled.

Shigaraki was silent for a moment before nodding. "We will find her."

Y/N's P.O.V:

I peeled open my eyes. Where was I? I tried to look around but my head felt heavy, my chin tucked against my chest.

I knew I was sitting in a chair. I tried to move but found that my legs were tied to the chair and my wrists were tied together behind the chair.

I took a deep breath and lifted my head. I was in a small empty room. The only light coming from a small window on one of the walls. Metal bars covered the window. There was a white security camera pointed right at me in the top corner of the room.

The fog in my head began to clear and I remembered what happened last night. I began to panic.

I tried to call forth my darkness but nothing happened. I wanted to cry.

All of a sudden the metal door creaked open and an outline of someone stood in the doorway.

As they walked toward me I recognized him. Elijah.

"Y/N, I am glad to see you are finally awake."

"What did you do to my quirk?" I asked. I sounded breathless and my mouth was dry.

He stopped right in front of me. "Oh don't worry. It only takes away your quirk for twenty four hours."

"Where is Dabi?"

Elijah frowned. "I don't know and I don't care."

"Did you take his quirk too?"

"Yes but unfortunately not permanently."

"What do you want from me?" I rasped.

"Oh darling, you already know."

"No I don't."

He reached out and grabbed my chin in between his fingers harshly, and made me look at him. "You are an important asset to me. I will not let you go."

"That's all I ever was to you." I said.

He smiled. "Of course. I only lied about loving you to make you stay. I guess you aren't as desperate as I thought."

"Guess not." I spat.

He let go of my chin and straightened. "You will work for me Y/N. You owe me." He moved to turn away.

"I owe you nothing."

He snaped back around. "You owe me everything! I taught you everything you know!"

"No, you taught me and groomed me into being a perfect minion for you."

He straightened his jacket and cleared his throat, trying to calm himself down. "My point exactly. That's all you know. You won't be able to be anything else."

"Oh really? Then how come I am Endeavors sidekick, huh? How come I taught at UA? How come I joined the league of villains?"

"Darling you only did those other things because you were under orders of the league. You went from being my, as you say, minion to being the league of villains minion."

I laughed. "I am not their minion. The league doesn't work how you think it does. Shigaraki may be the leader and head of the league but that doesn't mean he makes all the decisions or tells us all what to do. We treat each other like a family."

"And what about being Endeavor's sidekick? You're a sidekick. Endeavor tells you what to do."

"He might tell me what to do but that doesn't mean I listen. Him and I work as a team."

Elijah took a step back towards the door. "You will work for me Y/N. You will." He slipped through the door and left.

After what seemed like hours later the metal door opened again.

Sam walked over to me with a needle in his hands. The door clicked shut behind him.

"I am sorry Y/N." He whispered barely audible. The camera probably had a mic.

"Sam, please just let me out of here." I pleaded.

"I want to but I can't. Elijah will kill me."

"Sam please."

He gave me a sad look. He pushed up my sleeve on my suit. "Elijah is having you moved back into your old room. He is going to keep injecting you with that thing that takes away quirks so you can't escape." He moved so to the camera it looked like his head was looking at my arm. His mouth was closer to my ear and he lowered his voice even more. "I am going to reach out to them."

I looked at him just as he injected my arm. My eyes instantly felt heavy until I couldn't keep them open any longer. 

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