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Dabis P.O.V:

"I think she passed out." I said.

"Well what do we do with her?" Asked Twice.

"You and Dabi take her to the dorms." Said Shigaraki.

I nodded. I picked Y/N up bridal style and carried her out the back exit into our hidden garage. Most of the league's vehicles were parked here.

Twice opened the door to a black car and I gently placed Y/N in the backseat. I shut the door and hopped into the passenger seat as Twice got into the driver seat.

Y/N's P.O.V:

I opened my eyes. Everything that happened flooded back to me. I sat up as fast as possible. I was sitting in a dimly lit room. The only light coming from a small lamp on a desk. I surveyed the rest of the room. I was sitting on a bed with basic white sheets. A small side table with a digital clock was next to the bed. There was a small window next to the desk. A door was open to reveal a small bathroom.

No personal belongings of anyones was in here.

I can't believe my quirk made me pass out. Sometimes it will but it's only happened a few times. If I don't use it sometimes it can overwhelm me and then I pass out. I honestly don't even completely understand how my quirk works. I gave up trying to learn five years ago when I was fifteen. My parents were both quirkless and always hated my quirk, so they were happy when I told them I was going to stop trying to learn how to use it.

The door to the room opened and Dabi stepped in. "Glad to see you are awake."

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You are in your new room." Dabi closed the door behind him and leaned against it.

"My new room?"

"You will be staying here from now on."

"What about my stuff?"

"Shigaraki and Kurogiri are getting it from your apartment."

"I can't stay here." I said.

"Yes you can. You are part of the league now."

I stood up from the bed. "No I am not. I am not a villain. I don't kill people like you guys do. I dont even know how to use my fucking quirk!"

"Well you killed your boyfriend didnt you?" He said calmly.

"I didn't." I gritted through my teeth.

"Well the police reports say otherwise."

"What those police reports failed to say was that he was abusing me for three years and when he died he was in the middle of beating me." I lifted up my shirt to show my ribs. They were still deeply bruised. Dabi stared at my stomach. "I shut down mentally and had no control of my quirk. My quirk can do what it wants when it wants. It pushed him out the window and he died." I dropped my shirt. "We are not the same." I spat.

Dabi just silently stared at me.

"Are you just going to stare at me?"

Finally he spoke. "Whether or not his death was intentional you are still a league member so stop whining about it."

"I never agreed to this!"

"Pitty. Dinner is at six thirty if you want to join us." He opened the door and slipped out.

I can't believe this. How the hell am I a member of the league of villains? All because I can't control my quirk.

I looked at the alarm clock. It read six fifteen.

I stared back at the door. Like hell I will eat with you all, I thought. I noticed the lock in the doorknob. I stood up and locked it. I turned my back to the door and slid down it. I wrapped my arms around my legs and bowed my head.

I just want to go back to my apartment. I just wanted to be normal for once and now I am living in a place full of killers. What do I even do now?

I woke up to the door knob being jiggled. I stood up and stretched my legs. I fell asleep crouching. Someone knocked on the door. "Y/N open up we got your stuff."

I stood there staring at the door.

"Y/N open up." The voice said warningly.

I swallowed and unlocked the door. When I opened it Shigaraki and Kurogiri were standing there holding boxes. Boxes and bags were set on the floor in the hallway around them.

"We couldn't grab everything but we tried our best." Said Shigaraki.

I just stared at him.

He pushed past me and set the box down on the floor. Kurogiri followed suit. I walked out into the hallway to help but paused to look. The hallway went down decently far to the left. And to the right it was still pretty long but there was a set of stairs at the end. Both sides were lined with doors. There was an archway where light was coming from a few doors down.

I picked up a box and brought it into my new room.

"Will you be joining us for dinner?" Asked Shigaraki once all the boxes were in my room.

"No, I am fine." I tried to shut my door but Shigaraki put his foot in the doorway. I looked at him.

"You should join us."

"Again, I am fine." I went to close the door and he wisley moved his foot. I locked the door.

I turned the overhead light on and got to work unpacking.

It was eight oclock when I heard a soft knock on my door. I got off the bed and opened the door.

Dabis P.O.V:

I feel so stuid doing this.

The door slowly opened and she stared at me for a second then she looked down to the tray of food I was holding.

"I am not hungry." She said.

Like hell she is! I didn't do this just to be rejected! Only reason I did this was because I felt bad for the girl.

"I don't care, take it." I thrusted the tray at her and she just stared at me. "Take it." I gritted.

"I don't want it. Besides, you probably poisoned it." She went to close the door but I slipped into her room before she could. "Get the fuck out!" She yelled at me. I rolled my eyes and set the tray down on her desk. I turned to her.

"I didn't poison it. You're a league member and we are not allowed to do that to each other. Although now I am wishing I did." I glared at her. I swiftly left the room and shut the door behind me.

I walked into the common area. It had our kitchen and through another archway was a living room. All the main league of villain members lived here. It was an old abandoned warehouse that we turned into our home. We all have our own room and then share the common areas.

I plopped down on the couch next to Twice. Toga turned around and smiled at me from where she sat on a bean bag. "What?"

"You like her don't you?" She teased.

Twices head snapped toward me. "You do?"

"I do not."

"Yes he does. Why else would he bring her food?"

"I brought her food so she would start to trust us more. In case you haven't noticed, she doesn't really like us." I said annoyed.

Toga shrugged. "Whatever you say Dabi." 

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