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I walked into town hall where the hero meeting was taking place. Endeavor stood on my left.

The room was packed with heroes. It seemed like almost every single hero in Japan was here.

"Epitome?" Came a deep voice from the right.

I smiled. "Hello Aizawa!"

"How have you been?" He asked me. I noticed he didn't even look at Endeavor.

"I have been alright. You?"

"I work with children all day." He responded.

I laughed.

Endeavor gently wrapped his hand around my wrist and tugged. "We need to go in the meeting room." He said.

"I will see you later." I said to Aizawa.

Endeavor let go of my wrist and led me to the meeting room. There were multiple long tables set up with chairs to face the front of the room where another smaller table was set up. Endeavor led me to the short table at the very front of the room. The chairs for it were facing the rest of the tables.

"We get this table to ourselves.." He said.

I nodded and sat down on the right side of Endeavor.

"So what exactly is the game plan?" I asked.

"Just finding ways to track the league and get them behind bars." He paused. "Or dead if need be."

I went still. He was so desperate to get rid of us that it wouldn't matter if they killed us?

Hero's began to file into the room and take their seats.

Once everyone was seated, Endeavor spoke. "We are glad everyone was able to make it tonight." He gestured to me. "We need as much help as we can get. As you all know, the league of villains has been the biggest threat in this city. We have tried for years to get rid of them with no success. As heroes it is our duty to save the citizens of the city. I was thinking we could start with more patrols. Groups of heroes can patrol. We need patrols all over the city at all times. If anyone gets a lead about the league, send out a message to all the hero agencies so we can all work together. We need the league behind bars and if it's necessary, dead."

Anger surged through my veins. Hatred for heroes rising inside me. All of this was about my friends. My family. Me even. The league of villains never killed anyone if it was unnecessary. None of us chose to be villains but we had no other choice.

I swore to myself then and there that I wouldn't let anyone in this goddamn room hurt my family. If they did, I would kill them all.

"Y/N." Endeavor's voice brought me out of my thoughts. He looked concerned.

I heard another voice talking in the room but I couldn't focus on the words. I was so angry.

Endeavor grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard. "Y/N, what's wrong?"

What's wrong? How did he know I was upset? I looked down at where his hand covered mine. Darkness had encased my hands, and arms. Shit. I pulled back the darkness and pulled my hand from his. "Nothing." I muttered.

He gave me a long look but I ignored him.

After the meeting, I stood with Endeavor in the lobby area. A bunch of heroes stayed after the meeting to talk to each other.

People came up to us to talk but I didn't hear them. I was too angry.

"Hello Endeavor, Epitome." Said a smooth voice.

I looked to the voice. A handsome man with blond hair and red wings stood in front of us.

"Hello Hawks." Endeavor said.

Hawks smiled and his eyes shifted to me, assessing me. He took a step towards me and grabbed my left hand. He lifted it to his lips and kissed my knuckles. He smiled at me. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He gently dropped my hand and straightened, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Nice to meet you too." I said dryly.

"It's quite impressive how you have become Endeavor's sidekick. Is he as much an ass to work with as he seems?"

Endeavor glared at him.

"No he isn't." I said quickly. I turned to Endeavor. "I am going home." I stated. I looked at Hawks. "It was nice to meet you."

His eyes narrowed.

I started walking towards the doors when I felt Endeavor's presence behind me.

He didn't say anything as he followed me outside and down the sidewalk.

Finally I turned around. "What?" I asked, annoyed.

"You are mad at me." He said, not a question.

"Yes I am." I admitted. "So leave me alone."

"Why are you mad?"

I hesitated. "You don't care if the members of the league of villains get killed." I said slowly.

"Why would I? They have killed plenty."

I lifted my chin. "Are you kidding me?" I asked angrily.

"What? You think they haven't? They fucking kidnaped you Y/N!"

"They never hurt me! They could have but they didn't!" I yelled.

"They were probably taking you somewhere to hurt you!" He yelled back.

"No they weren't! God you are such a fucking idiot!" I screamed. Darkness danced at my fingertips. Before I did anything I regretted, I turned and strode away. Endeavor didn't follow.

I strode into my room at the leagues building. Dabi sat at the desk, playing some video game. He looked at me, his smile quickly dropped when he saw my face. He stood up and walked over to me. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head and a tear fell from my eye. I fucking hate feeling like this.

He closed the space between us and wrapped me up in his arms. I held on tightly to his white t-shirt. I couldn't stop the tears no matter how hard I tried.

Dabi didn't speak. He just stroked my hair and waited.

When I was done I pulled away from him. He cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears with his thumb.

I wrapped my fingers around his wrists.

"Are you okay?" He asked gently.

"I don't know. That meeting... I... I don't know what to do."

"What happened darling?"

My chest squeezed at the pet name and how gently he was talking. "Endeavor and the other heroes agreed that if it's necessary, to kill anyone in the league. So if you guys try to get away... They won't hold back. They will try and kill you all." My voice shook. "I just feel so helpless and I don't know how to stop this." Another tear slipped from my eye. "I can't lose anyone. I can't lose you."

Dabi pressed a kiss to my forehead. "You won't." He said.

"How do you know?" I demanded. "If I wasn't there the other day to shield you guys... who knows what could have happened?"

Dabi brushed a tear away. "I don't know. But we shouldn't worry about that because it didn't happen." His eyes searched mine. "I promise you won't lose any of us." He leaned down and kissed me gently.

When he straightened I looked up at him. "I love you Dabi."

He gave me a small smile. "I love you too Y/N." I saw the love in his eyes when he said it and it made my stomach flutter.

There was no way I would lose this man. I know what I need to do. 

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