"Huh? You didn't know that you liked me?" 

"Mn. And I don't regret liking you back then either, because then things wouldn't have happened now if I didn't." she said happily. 

"Hmph, then I don't regret meeting you back then either." he replied. 


"Hey, why don't we go clothes shopping for you, you are pregnant and so you might need some maternity clothes! I'll make sure you wear the prettiest clothes!" Kei suggested. 

"But Kei-kun, you know that maternity clothes aren't meant to make a pregnant woman look pretty." 

"That doesn't matter, I'll make sure you are the prettiest! And besides, I pick great clothes!!!"

"Huh, I never thought I'd be shopping for maternity clothes at 21 years old." Izuku said, as they were walking through all the aisles of clothes. 

"Don't worry, you'll be a very pretty 21 year old pregnant woman, and you'll be my pretty woman!" 

"Ah- right Kei-kun, but I have to ask, what makes you think you'll pick good clothes for me?" 

"Oh, it's because I actually used to pick Katsuki's clothes for him." 

"Ah- eh?" 

"Anytime Katsuki would be going out, he'd ask me to pick the clothes for him so he could go out in style. That night Uraraka came over and- well anyway, that night Katsuki asked me to pick the clothes too." Kei explained. 

'So it was really Kei-kun all this time that could pick good clothes? Does that mean it was really Kei-kun that one time he picked that dress for me? Yeah, but Kacchan did seem really afraid of approaching Uraraka after that day. I always thought Kacchan had good taste, but now it makes sense that it was really Kei-kun all along.' she thought.

"Aha! Why don't you try this one on!" Kei said as he pulled a long and flowy white dress and showed her. 

"You want me to try this one on, Kei-kun? I'm not even that far in my pregnancy yet, and that dress... It's meant for women that are in their third trimester." Izuku noted. 

"Yeah, but I'm sure if you wore a belt with it right now, there wouldn't be much of a difference. And you'll look pretty no matter what you wear, Izuku." he said sweetly. 

"Ah- hmph, okay Kei-kun. Then after this, why don't I pick something for you to wear, and I'll wear this all day tomorrow?" she suggested. 

"Then we'll match, I'm already excited!" Kei said. 

Just seeing the blond this excited made Izuku forget all about the fact that there was only 10 days left of this kind of happiness.

Once they finished looking at clothes for the greenette, Izuku started searching through the men's clothes and glanced over to see Kei had stopped in his tracks. 

She first thought there was something that caught his attention, but after looking at the expression on his face, she could tell he looked more in pain. He looked like he was blinking a lot more than usual and rested his hand on his head and appeared to have some sort of headache. Izuku immediately realized what was wrong with the blond as this was a sign from what Takashi told her. 

"Anytime he stops and looks to be getting a headache, it's his memories that will start to disappear or fade away. The more it happens, then you need to let me know as soon as possible because it could affect Katsuki if we're not careful."


Kei opened his eyes to see Izuku standing in front of him and she looked worried. 

"Oh, Izuku... What's wrong?" 

"Are you okay, Kei-kun? You look like you're in a lot of pain." Izuku noted. 


He could tell how worried she was, but because he didn't like seeing that expression, he smiled at her and said; 

"It's just a headache, I'll be okay." 

'His smile... I can tell he's already used so much energy, maybe this was too much for him.' she thought. 

"Are you sure, we should go home if you're not feeling well." 

"No no no, Izuku, then I won't have as much fun as I'm having with you right now. It's just a small headache, it's not hurting me and I'm not dying. I'll be fine." he answered. 

'But it really is hurting you, Kei-kun, I just know it.' she thought. 

"Why don't you pick some clothes for me, I'm sure that'll lift this little headache of mine away easily." 

"O-... Okay."

After shopping for some clothes, Izuku couldn't stand that Kei's expression was getting worse and worse throughout the day and she was getting more and more worried. 

"I think that's all we should do for the day, my feet are starting to get tired too." Izuku stated, and he nodded slightly. And while walking in the direction towards home, Izuku would keep taking glances up at the blond to make sure she would see if he would get another headache. 

But just when they were almost home, Izuku noticed how the blond stopped in his tracks and was looking at something. 

"Hm? What is it, Kei-kun? Ah-" 

She looked up to see what he was staring at and it was a large church.

"A church?" 

"I came here one time when I was younger, and everyone in the church was so nice to me. They said that if I ever meet someone that I believe is the right one for my future, then I should bring them here and get married here. Hmph, maybe one day you and I will get married here, how does that sound, Izuku?" he asked, turning his head and looking down at her. 


"M-Mn. Maybe it'll be really soon in the future." 

"You don't know that, and besides we still have plenty of time." Kei said as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a warm hug. 

'We don't have plenty of time, Kei-kun, that's the problem here.' 

As he released her from their hug, Kei could tell the greenette looked like she was in deep thought. 

"Hm? You're not thinking about us getting married now, are you?" he teased. 

"Eh? Ah- n-no, I just thought we should get home. I-I'm getting a little tired from all the walking." 

"Okay, then let's go home." 

"Do you want me to massage your feet?" 

"You don't have to do that, just a bath will be fine for me." 

"Then should we bathe together?" 


"I'm just teasing." 

Note: Hello My Little Emeralds!

It's gonna get pretty emotional in these next few chapters, just a heads up now, and I'm sorry!

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