18: Trying Not to Love You

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Izuku set the bag of food down right in front of the blond and all he did was look up at her with a raised eyebrow. 



"What is this?" 

"Dinner." Izuku answered. 

"Tch- be more specific." 

"Okay, your dinner." Izuku said without taking a second to think. 


He wanted to be annoyed, but it was more like he was surprised by her quick wit for once. He grabbed the bag and opened it to see what kind of food was inside, and then he looked up at the greenette. 

"Yah- Why did you bring my Fried Chicken?" he asked in a serious tone. 

"Oh, well you clearly only said to bring you dinner, but you didn't specify on what you wanted for dinner, so I grabbed whatever was close to where you live since I figured you would want fresh food. So whether you like it or not, you're gonna have to eat it since I'm not making you dinner or going back out to pick something else." Izuku explained. 

'Shit, I knew I was forgetting something. I should be mad... but she did bring me dinner.' he thought.

He started trying to pull all the food boxes out of the bag, but since he had a cast on his arm, it was a bit difficult. Meanwhile, Izuku was just standing there watching him as he was struggling. 

"Arg- Yah-"


"Would you give me a hand?" he asked. 

"Oh, sure." Izuku said and then started clapping her hands to 'give him a hand'. 

"Hehe, I've always wanted to do that." she giggled. 

"Tch- Yah- just help me! I'm the one with the broken arm here!" he exclaimed. 

"Alright, let me." Izuku said as she started helping him by opening all of the boxes and setting all the food out onto the table in front of him. 

"There you go, anything else you need?" she asked. 

"No, I'm fine." he muttered. He glanced up at her as she remained standing there, and he sighed because he knew she might leave once he starts eating.



He turned his entire head to look up at her. 

"Aren't you gonna sit down and eat?" he asked. 

"Ah- but this is your dinner." 

"Clearly you ordered more than just one serving, and I know I'm not gonna eat all this. So sit and eat, I can tell you haven't eaten in a while." he stated as he turned his head back to the food. 

"O... kay..." she mumbled as she walked over to the chair across from him and sat down and started grabbing food. 

Soon there was an awkward silence in the room as both of them ate in silence and neither was willing to say anything to break the silence.

While they were eating, Katsuki would take small glances up at the greenette as she appeared to still be wearing her work clothes and glasses. 

'She looks... she looks cuter with those glasses on.' he thought. 

"Stop staring at me, it's rude." Izuku stated, without even looking up at him. 

"Tch- I wasn't staring. Maybe you should fix your eyes if you're that blind." he snarked. 

"I can't help it that I had to start wearing glasses or contacts after I got my quirk." Izuku noted as she ate. 

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