32: Gotta Be Somebody

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The following morning arrived and the greenette woke up by her alarm and was about to go back to sleep until she realized what day it was. 

"Ack! I have a date with Reed today, I need to get up!" she exclaimed as she jumped out of bed and hopped in the shower to wake herself up. After taking a quick shower, she scarfed down something to eat and then quickly dried her hair and tried to straighten her messy freshly dried hair. 

'Erm- maybe if Melissa was here then I wouldn't feel this rushed, but I gotta find something to wear. Thank god I have the weekends off now!' she thought.

Though he didn't set an alarm or hear anything that woke him up, the blond eventually opened his eyes to see there was daylight outside. 

'How long was I asleep, I would've woken up if Deku made me breakfast like she's been doing all week. Huh?' 

Katsuki shifted his eyes over to his nightstand to see a small note sitting there for him. 

Video on Computer 

The note read and the blond instantly knew that meant that Kei had left something important there. 'What the hell am I gonna find this time?' he thought as she shuffled out of bed and walked out of his room and into his office. 

He sat down in the chair and turned on his computer to see the most recent video which was obviously a reflection of him, but it was Kei. 

"What did you do this time, Kei?" he asked as he pressed the play button.

"Hello friend, though you probably don't like me making these videos to respond to yours, but I thought it would be helpful to give you some important news." 

Katsuki paused the video and raised an eyebrow as he wasn't sure what kind of news this could be.

 "News? Don't tell me he had sex with someone again, and hoepfully not with Deku." he muttered as he pressed play again. 

"As much as I've enjoyed being out and being able to use your body again, I think I might not be back for a while... and least not as long as the last time I was gone." 

Katsuki paused the video again and wasn't sure why he was getting news like this. 

'He's gonna be gone, but what made him choose to do this?' 

"Last night, I saw your video and was curious as to why you were telling me that Izuku was going on a date with Reed tomorrow, but after some thinking, I realized you were probably trying to help me out. I don't know how close of friends you are with Izuku, but... she might always view you and me as just friends." 

Katsuki paused the video again and wasn't expecting Kei to say something like this. 

'Just friends? What made him say that?'

"I got to see and talk to Izuku last night, and... she seems certain of her feelings about Reed. She stated–straight to my face–that she really likes Reed. As much as I didn't want to hear that, I said I would support her and hope that her date goes well with Reed tomorrow. But to be completely honest, I didn't want to hear those words at all, not one bit. I wanted to confess my feelings to Izuku, but I didn't want her to feel like she had to choose. I didn't want to take that happiness away from her, so I said that I would support her and just stay friends like we always have. So starting tomorrow, I don't think I'll be able to wake up and want to see Izuku for a while. You can make videos for me about how she and Reed are doing, but I just don't think I'll be able to handle myself the next time I see her. Oh yeah, and in case you were wondering, Izuku was the one I had sex with the first night I woke up. And the morning after you broke your arm, I kissed Izuku in front of one of her coworkers, and I only did it because her coworker was being annoying. Just in case you didn't know or Izuku didn't tell you, I'm telling you now. I know it was only over a week that I've been here, but... it was nice while it lasted. I'll be asleep, but you're more than welcome to try and ask for my help when you need it. Thanks for letting me be happy for a little bit, it was fun." 

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