2: Heartbreak

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'Yo... Yo-kun?'

Izuku couldn't believe the sight, as her boyfriend had his arm wrapped around another girl, a girl that she'd never seen before. 

'Yo-kun's... with someone else? But... But that can't be! There were no hints or signs that Yo-kun would ever cheat on me, so why am I seeing this... now?' Izuku thought as she slowly watched Shindo kiss the girl on the cheek. 

The greenette twitched at the sight and then immediately pulled out her phone and dialed Shindo's number and watched for him to see if he'd react. 

She watched as he looked down at his phone and then rolled his eyes at seeing his phone and then looked down at the girl and smiled sweetly at her.

"Hey, what's up, Izu-san?" 

"Ah- Y-Yo-kun, where are you? I thought you'd be here already?" Izuku asked, trying to not sound upset. 

"Oh, I'm really sorry, Izu-san, but it looks like I might need to stay working tonight. I'm so sorry we have to cancel on your birthday tonight." he answered. 

Tears formed in the greenette's eyes as he watched him smile at the girl again. 

"I-It's okay, I can celebrate my birthday with some of my friends that aren't busy tonight." Izuku stated, biting her lip. 

"Yeah, sorry this suddenly happened, Izu-san." 

"It's fine, Yo-kun, things happen. Maybe next time." 

'But there won't be a next time.'

She hung up the phone and then looked up to see how relieved Shindo looked after their call ended, and he kissed the girl over and over in his arms. Izuku felt her heart drop at the sight, never in her life did she think that something like this would happen to her, and on a very important day for her. 

'There's one thing I hate, and that's cheating. So if you wanna cheat on me Yo-kun, fine, but I'm not gonna cry and whine and beg you to come back.' she thought as she turned around and started walking away from the scene she just witnessed.

As she was walking down the pavement, she tried calling some of her friends or colleagues to see if they were free for the night, but it seemed like no one was available. 

'Of course everyone's busy, it's the middle of the week. Not even Melissa's free, not like I would ask her if she was free anyway since she put so much effort into helping me get ready. Should I just go home? No! I shouldn't, I should... I should just have a party for 1! Yeah! Who says I have to celebrate my birthday with someone? Then where should I go for dinner? I'm sure I have a coupon somewhere in my wallet.' She thought as she dug through the crevasses of her wallet and found a card that wasn't a coupon at all. 

'Huh? What's this?' She thought as she read the card, it was a free card to a bar. 

'A bar... card? Why do I have- Wait-'

( Flashback to 2 years before Izuku dated Shindo )

"Why're you giving me this, Melissa?" Izuku asked, holding the bar card. 

"Oh c'mon, you haven't really dated anybody, have you?" Melissa asked.

 "Well no, I've been busy doing hero stuff that I don't have time. It's not like I'm dying for a relationship anywhere." 

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