89: Tender Love

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"Wait- I heard that right, right? You said you took off from work just to spend more time with me, Izuku?" Kei asked. 

"Yup! I took 10 days off of work just so I could relax a bit and get to know more about you, Kei-kun! I figured that since we didn't really spend a lot of time–like promised–at Nabu Island last time, then I should at least take the chance to do it now before I get any farther in my pregnancy." Izuku explained. 

"But... But you already know everything about Katsuki, so you basically know everything about me." 

"That's not true, Kei-kun, I can tell you have different preferences and hobbies compared to Kacchan, so I want to learn them all in the next 10 days! And that means that starting today, we'll do everything that you've always wanted to do! Though we'll have to make sure to keep you in disguise since people will think you're Kacchan, I want to learn everything about you, Kei-kun!" 

Kei was speechless, he didn't think the greenette would randomly choose to do something like this, but it only made him excited. 

"Then what're we waiting for, I'm ready to go!" Kei said as he grabbed the greenette's hand and they were off!

"Umm... Kei-kun?" 


"I thought you wanted to do something fun? This isn't somewhere I would expect you to take me to." Izuku mumbled. 

"Why not? It's nice and peaceful out here at this time of day." 

"Yeah, but... at the park?" she asked as she looked around from where they were sitting. 

There weren't a lot of people at the park, but the sight of bright and vibrant colors of flowers blooming everywhere was something. 

"Kacchan doesn't really sit down and take the time to look around a park." 

"Well, that's because I'm not Katsuki, and besides, you said you wanted to learn everything about me, and this is one of the things I like to do." Kei stated.

"I never thought of you as a sight-seer." 

"Yup! I didn't get to do a lot back when we were in high school, but I've always enjoyed it. I always liked going to the roof of our high school and was so amazed by how big everything was. Not only that... but I think it's worth doing this a lot more since I want my girlfriend to be somewhere peaceful when she's pregnant." Kei teased as he rested his head on her shoulder. 

"Hmph, well, you're right about that. It is nice and peaceful out here, and it almost feels like all my stress about work is melting away. Or maybe that's just something you're capable of doing." Izuku mentioned.

"Hey Izuku." 

"Hm? What is it, Kei-kun?" 

Kei lifted his head up from her shoulder and looked her directly in the face. 

"Are you sure you're okay after everything that's happened?" 

"Hm? Everything that's happened? What d'you mean, Kei-kun?" 

"I just... Didn't you think it was strange that I–well really Katsuki–would randomly act nice to you back in high school? I mean, you didn't know that I existed, but didn't you like me or something back then?" Kei asked. 

The greenette wasn't expecting this kind of question to be asked, but she smiled.

"Yes, I did like you back then, Kei-kun, but I didn't know it myself." Izuku stated. 

Paging Dr. DekuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora