74: Everybody Talks

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"Are you still upset about that, Ochako? You should've known something like this would happen since Midoriya and Bakugo have known each other since they were kids." Tsuyu croaked. 

Everyone looked back at the TV to see a video of Tsuyu and Uraraka sitting together and talking, it was the video Katsuki recorded from the following day after everything that happened. 

"Yeah, but if she liked him, she should've told me a long time ago. Ugh- it's just so annoying how she's managed to get so many guys to fall for her, it pisses me off." Uraraka scoffed. 

"It was your idea to tell Shindo that she was single, and didn't you pay Shindo to date Midoriya too?"

"Yeah, and I paid him a lot of money just so she would stop trying to get near Katsuki-kun. But I had to pay Shindo twice as much to kidnap Deku-chan and try to have sex with her, but I wasn't expecting the police to get involved. I'm lucky he didn't spill anything about me paying him to have sex with her." Uraraka explained. 

"Yeah, and then when I found out she was dating the Number 1 hero in America; Ares, I figured that if she can't have someone who wants her, then find a way to make them leave her. So I looked up Ares' history and found out about his ex and messaged her to try and get back together with him. What I didn't expect was for Deku-chan to actually be neighbors with Katsuki-kun. It makes me really think that she's a slut and can't stay single. I don't even know why all the guys in our class liked her, she's not even pretty and tries too hard to be the center of attention." Uraraka stated.

Kei paused the video and looked at the brunette with an intense glare while everyone was speechless about that confession. 

"Gonna lie about that confession too?" Kei asked. 

Uraraka didn't think the blond recorded something like that, but there was no way she could act like she was the innocent one in this situation now. 

"T-That... That audio was tweaked to make me say stuff like that! I-I would never say or do stuff like that! M-Me and K-Katsuki-kun were just on a break and there's no way I would be such a horrible person to Deku-chan like she's been towards me-" 

That finally ticked all the boxes off for the greenette and she couldn't hold in her anger any longer. 

"Uraraka..." she mumbled as she stood up from her seat. 

"Ah- D-Deku-chan, you started it first! I've dated Katsuki-kun all these years and we were just taking a break, so what made you think to take him away from me so-" 

"ME AND KACCHAN HAD SEX!!!" Izuku yelled. 

Uraraka's eyes widened and she felt her body go numb from that confession.

"Wha... What?" 

"The night I found out Shindo was cheating on me just happened to be the same day Kacchan broke up with you almost 3 months ago. Me and Kacchan just happened to meet each other at a bar, and because both of us felt miserable, we decided to have sex that night! You would remember knowing that because Kacchan tried to tell you at the reunion, but he was interrupted when a villain attacked. After that attack, Kacchan was severely injured and had to go into surgery, and I ended up being his personal doctor for 8 weeks. I didn't know Kacchan was my neighbor until I became his personal doctor, and not only that, I had just started meeting Reed, so me and Kacchan just forgot about that night and remained as just friends. But after Shindo captured me and tried to rape me, Kacchan saved me that night and that was when I realized everything for myself. Reed had even explained to me that he started talking to his ex while with me, but I couldn't be mad since I was seeing Kacchan behind Reed's back too. Me and Reed have remained as friends, but right now... I don't think you and I should remain friends." Izuku explained with a sharp glare at the brunette.

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