9: Love Phobia

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Izuku opened the door leading to her place and sighed after the long walk she just went through after seeing her old classmates. 

'Geez, what did I get myself into?' 

"Hey! You're back!" 

"Ack! M-Melissa? What're you still doing here?" 

"Well I figured since you'd probably have some tea to spill about tonight, I decided to stay here until you tell me everything. So- Did anything happen at the dinner tonight?" Melissa asked. 

Izuku sighed again as she took off her shoes and stumbled towards the couch and flopped over onto the couch. 

"I'm in deep trouble, Melissa." 

"Hm? Why? What'd you do?"

The greenette sat up and looked at the blonde and said; 

"I agreed to do something I probably shouldn't have agreed to do." 

"What? What did you agree to? Is it something illegal?" 

"No. It's Uraraka. Apparently Kacchan broke up with her a few days ago, and Uraraka is still upset about it." Izuku answered. 

"So they broke up again, and why is that so important?" 

"Because! Hah- Uraraka asked me to ask Kacchan why he decided to break up with her this time." 

"Wait- what? That doesn't make any sense, why can't she just ask him herself?" Melissa asked. 

"She said she'd been trying to get in touch with him since he broke up with her, but it's like he's been avoiding her. And because she still believes that I'm really close friends with Kacchan, then I should ask him myself about their relationship." Izuku explained.

"Uh- okay~ And why didn't you say no?" 

"Erm- Because I couldn't." 

"Don't tell me she did the pouty face at you again?" 

"Yeah, that one." 


"I know! It's really hard for me to tell people no! But I've known Uraraka for a really long time, and she was gonna be really upset if I said no." Izuku groaned. 

"Yes, but it's her love life, not yours!" 

"I know! I just... I don't know how I'm gonna manage pulling this off anyway." 

"Uh- Yeah~! Since it's been since high school since the last time you've talked to him, right?" Melissa asked. 

"Before today... yeah." 

"Hah- so what're you gonna do? It's not like you work with him or he comes to the hospital that often anyway." 

"That's true... wait- maybe I can ask Takashi when the next time Kacchan will come to the hospital!" 

"Okay, now you're just gonna try and get in his business, is that it?" 

"Well I don't want Uraraka to be mad at me because I didn't try." 

"Yes, but you could've easily fixed this situation if you'd have just said no in the first place!" 

"I know!"

"Weren't you the one that had to confess Uraraka's feelings to Bakugo back in high school too?" 

"Yeah... that happened." 

"And why did you agree to do something like that?" 

"Because I knew Uraraka and I wouldn't stay friends if I said no." 

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