75: The Name of the Game

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When it came to the following morning, Izuku had to fill Katsuki in on all the things he missed from the day before about Uraraka and all the good news from everyone else. 

"What?!?! How the hell is everyone else getting married before me?!?!" he yelled. 

"Calm down, Kacchan, we're still in the early phase of just dating, but we'll have plenty of time to think about marriage down the road." Izuku noted. 

"Tch- Why the hell did all those extras think about marriage and not fucking tell me?" 

"Did you already forget that we're practically living together now but will soon get a house not long from now, Kacchan? Everything will be fine for us." Izuku suggested. 

"Hah- Yeah, I guess you're right, but I'm still pissed that everyone else is getting married before me." Katsuki huffed.

'As much as I wanna just propose and get married to Deku–even now–I still need to figure out a way to get rid of Kei. And I can't have Kei try to propose to Deku either, then it would be harder to get rid of him at that point. How the hell am I gonna get rid of Kei at that point if that happens?' he thought. 

"Hm? Kacchan, you okay? You got really quiet all of a sudden. Don't tell me you're trying to think of a way to propose to me already?" Izuku teased. 

"Huh? Oh yeah, and what if I was?" he asked with a smirk. 

"You're gonna have to be creative and make sure it's a surprise I don't know about if you wanna convince me to marry you in the future, Kacchan~" she hummed as she booped his nose. 

"If that's all I need to do, then it's not gonna be hard surprising you."

Since there was no reason for the two of them to hide their relationship anymore, it seemed Katsuki couldn't help but show his lovey-dovey side towards the greenette as they were on the ship heading back to the main island. 

"Geez, get a room, you two!" Kaminari yelled. 

"I'm sure if they go in a room, they're gonna be more than what they're doing now, dummy." Jiro muttered. 

Uraraka watched the two of them and could only feel her blood boiling with heartbreak and her body was shaking with anger that everything had to be revealed this way to make her look like the bad person in this situation. It didn't help her at all that all her classmates–except Tsuyu–would be willing to talk to her or even look her in the eye. 

'If only I knew Katsuki-kun would reveal that stuff I said, then none of this would've happened to me. How am I gonna fix this mistake now that everything's been revealed?' Uraraka thought, biting her thumb with concern. 

'No... Deku-chan works at a hospital, which means... there are plenty of ways to ruin her like she's ruined me.'

"I enjoyed the short vacation I had with everyone, if only it wasn't so short and all of us weren't so busy." Izuku stated as they all got off the ship and walked onto the dock. 

"Yeah, but who knows when the next time that'll happen, especially knowing that you're now a doctor, Midoriya." Kirishima noted. 

"Still, I had fun. Oh, but I look forward to all the weddings all of you are having soon! I'll make sure to attend all of your weddings!" Izuku said happily. 

"Just make sure not to forget about your own wedding when the time comes, Midoriya." Yaoyorozu suggested. Izuku glanced over at Katsuki who could only blush at Yaoyorozu's suggestion. 

Paging Dr. DekuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora