63: Pretty

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As it was nice and completely peaceful as they slept, it was only soon to be interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing that woke them up. 

'Erm- who's calling me right now?' 


"Izuku, where are you? I thought you said you were going to help in bringing all this stuff to the kids at your hospital today?!?" 

The greenette woke up right away as she recognized the voice of her mother and sat up from her bed. 

"T-That was today?!? I thought you said next week?" 

"Please don't tell me you're already busy today, Izuku? I don't have any other places that would take all of this!" 

"Okay, okay, I'll be there in a little bit. Hah~" 

"Who was that, Izuku?" 

The greenette shifted her attention from her phone to the blond lying in bed next to her as he peeked his eyes open. 

"Oh, Kei-kun, sorry to wake you, but it seems I've already got plans for the day." Izuku stated.

"Plans? With who? What for?" 

"I promised I'd help my mom with taking stuff to the hospital I work at. Wait- why don't you come with us, Kei-kun?" 

"Hm? To the hospital... with your mom?!?" Kei exclaimed as he jumped to sit up. 

"Yeah, you haven't met my mom before, right? Unlike Kacchan who's met her since we were kids, you never got to meet my mom, huh?" Izuku asked. 

"Yeah, but... would it be a good idea to come?" 

"Mn! The more help, the better! Besides, my mom isn't as harsh as Kacchan's, you'll be perfectly fine!" 

'Though it surprised me that Kei-kun is the one to wake up and not Kacchan, I guess today will make up for what happened last night with Uraraka showing up.' the greenette thought. 

"Go take a shower and I'll go over to your place and bring some clothes while you're getting washed up. We can spend the entire day together, how does that sound?" Izuku suggested. 

"The entire day? Then I'll be quick!" Kei said as he rushed out of bed and straight into her bathroom and started the water. 

'Hmph, looks like I'll have an eventful weekend now. Today will probably be with Kei-kun and tomorrow with Kacchan.'

"So Izuku, what's your mom like?" Kei asked. 

"Mmmh... she's a lot like me- well, more like I'm a lot like her. She's very caring and sweet and can be a worrywart sometimes. She used to worry about me all the time when I got into U.A. since I had to move into the dorms there. She'd call me whenever I wasn't busy and would always try to ask me if I was staying healthy and getting sleep. Y'know, stuff that mom's usually would ask. After I graduated high school and became a professional hero, she'd stop by my place and bring me leftovers all the time. When I retired from hero stuff and became a doctor, I moved to where I live now and since I live far from her, I don't get much time to see her or even have her try to stop by my place. No matter what choice my career was, she'd always support me and do whatever she could to make me not worry." Izuku explained.

"So what does your mom do for a living? Was she always just a housewife that took care of you?" 

"Oh no, she owns a bakery in our old neighborhood." 

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